Cooperative Learning ( Collaborative Learning ) 組員:6A0C0127 蘇郁蓉 6A0C0103 張幸惠 4A0C0105 黃月樺 4A0C0113 蘇千芳 4A0C0121 楊雯淇
Introduction It is important that students and teachers work together; with learning strategy, the teacher helps students learn collaborative or social skill so that they can learn more effectively. Indeed, cooperation is not only a way of learning, but also a theme to communicated about and study ( Jacobs 1998).
Example: Vocabulary Lesson Learning strategy training Assign the task The teacher divides a story into three parts and gives each group a different part. Group discussion Each group discuss the meaning of new vocabulary words. Form new group Three of the students in each group move to another group.
3 3 3 The three students’ task in the new group: Part 1 Discussion The meaning of new words Part 2 Discussion The meaning of new words Part 3 Discussion The meaning of new words 3 The three students’ task in the new group: Tell their own part of the story to new partners and teach them the meaning of new vocabulary words from the part.
What are the goals of teachers who use this method? 1The students should learn from each other in groups by students’ interacting in the target language, and each student is individually accountable.
What is the role of the teacher? Teachers have to help students how to learn more effectively. What is the role of the students? Students are encouraged to think in terms of ‘ positive interdependence’, which means that the students are not thinking competitively and individualistically, but rather cooperatively and in terms of the group.
What is the nature of student-teacher interaction? Students stay together in the same groups for a period of time. They learn from each other. The teacher usually assigns students to the groups.
What areas of language are emphasized? Each students is to help the other students learn the vocabulary words.
What language skills are emphasized? The students are to work on the social skill of encouraging others. Social skills such as acknowledging another’s contribution, asking others to contribute, and keeping the conversation calm need to be explicitly taught.
What is the role of the students’ native language? Language acquisition is facilitated by students; interacting in the target language.
How is evaluation accomplished? The students are to work on the social skill of encouraging others. The students appear to be busy working in their group. There is much talking in the groups.
How does the teacher respond to students errors? The teacher gives the students the criteria for judging how well they have performed the task they have been given.
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