Curriculum Power Session Summer 2015
Proposed SS Standards ro/socstud/Pages/Proposed-Social- Studies-for-the-Next-Generation.aspx Timeline: In review until December 2015. Slated to start August 2016 state board approval* Not tested until 2017* *Both candidates for governor are running on a platform to repeal common core
New Standards New Proposed Standards By grade level 15 Comprehensive Anchor Statements (Built around 4 strands: Civic Mindedness, Geographic Reasoning, Economic Decision-Making, Historical Thinking) Each grade level has 15 standards built from the common 15 Comprehensive Anchor Statements) Include Practices in the Inquiry Cycle (Questioning, Evaluating Sources, Communicating, Engaging in Disciplinary Thinking) Storyline for each grade level: K-Why, 1- How, 2nd – Explore and Discover My Role, 3rd – Working Together, 4th –Relationships, 5th – Change and Impact, 6th – Making Meaning, 7th- Cause and Effect, 8th –Participating in Change, HS- Stewards of Democracy Content (Context) defined locally*
Science Slated for Assessment 2017*
Implications for Your Classroom Social Studies and Science must still be taught in EVERY grade level with respect to the time it takes to do it correctly Science and SS is an extension of your literacy plan…Informational Reading and Writing, Speaking, Listening and Research are to be focused on in context during this time. Every grade level must be teaching their Science standards NOW or there will be serious gaps in 2017 the way the standards are currently written. They do not repeat year to year like KCAS Primary Standards. K-3 is 4/5ths of the assessed standards, they must not be short changed at the primary level. 5th and 6th Science is two thirds of the middle school science curriculum. It MUST not be short changed at the elementary level. SS- will be learning how to use the Inquiry Cycle and begin preparing for the shift. Content will not change at this point for any grade level with the exception of possibly 6th for the 2016-17 school year. Master schedules MUST show adequate time for social studies and science at the elementary level in EVERY grade level. Daily classroom schedules should reflect this.
Standards Resources: ELA/Math d-kindergarten-checklists-ccss-and-i-cans/
Reading Strategies for SS and Science Explicit Instruction of Strategies during SS and Science Developing Vocabulary Using and Building Prior Knowledge Using Prediction and Inference Using Think-Alouds and Monitoring Comprehension Questioning Summarizing Using Visual Representations and Mental Imagery Using Text Structures and Text Features Using Multiple Reading Comprehension Strategies Instruction
Developing Vocabulary Word Wall Knowledge Rating Scale Rating Vocabulary Root Word Tree Root Word Map Roots/Prefixes/Suffixes Chart Concept of Definition Map Frayer Model Semantic Word Map Vocabulary Diagram
Using and Building Prior Knowledge KWL Chart Concept Map Frame List Group Label Think Sheet Using Prediction and Inference Overview Picture Prediction Ext and Subtext Anticipation Guide Wordsplash Preview
Using Think-Alouds and Monitoring Comprehension Overview Preparing for the Topic Think-Aloud Look for Important Information Think- Aloud Activate Prior Knowledge Think-Aloud Determine the Meanings Think-Aloud Predict Think-Aloud Ask Questions Think-Aloud
Questioning Previewing the Text Through Questioning Scaffolding Readers Questions Coding the Text ReQuest Question Journal Beat the Teacher Questioning the Author
Summarizing Overview Read. Cover, Remember, Retell Rank-Ordering Retell GIST Key Words Very Important Points Guided Reading and Summarizing Procedure
Using Visual Representations and Mental Imagery Overview Guided Imagery Talking Drawings Imagine, Elaborate, Predict and Confirm Sketching through Text Visual Presentation Examining Visuals
Using Text and Features Textbook Scavenger Hunt Table of Contents Predictions Creating Captions Flag Words Graphic Organizers Constructing Informational Text
Using Multiple Reading Comprehension Strategies Instruction Overview Reciprocal Teaching Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction Student Achieving Independent Learning Collaborative Strategic Reading Question-Answer Relationship