Give Your Ministry the Right Start
The purpose of the Great Plains Annual Conference is to enhance and extend the gospel in the Wesleyan tradition throughout the our geographical boundaries.
It’s All About the Mission! The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make (NEW) disciples of Jesus Christ Clergy Leadership Process Clergy Leaders Church Definition: Any where there are people without a commitment to Jesus Christ or a local church. A church is in mission to the extent that it helps people commit their lives to Christ and the local church.
Grow Yourself as a Leader
Know Your Church Study Church’s 10 Year History Understand the Church’s Vision Hold 1 on 1 Key Conversations with Stakeholders Study the last 2 Charge Conference Reports Understand your Church’s Vitality Indicators Hold Focus Group Conversations
Know Your Community
Grow Your Church Cultivate an Atmosphere of Prayer and Dialogue Create and Cast a Vision Cultivate an Atmosphere of Prayer and Dialogue Reach and Disciple the Children Work Collaboratively Start Small Groups to Reach New People Identify Your Signature Mission to the Community
Small Groups – A Definition For the purposes of Vital Congregations Vital Signs, a small group is an on-going gathering that embodies and practices the General Rule of Discipleship (See BOD ¶1117): “To witness to Jesus Christ in the world, and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.” These groups “support people in their search for God, in their yearning for community, and in their desire to formed as Christian disciples”. Examples: Cell group, life group, care group, Sunday School class, Youth Group, Alpha group, Emmaus Reunion group, covenant discipleship group, Confirmation class, Disciple Classes, Bible study, service team (such as a choir/praise team) that include intentional discipleship along with their service.