Welcome to Room 613 Mrs. McDonald’s Language Arts Back-to-School Night Presentation 2017
Communications My BVMS Web site: Go to BVMS, Staff, McDonald, web site. See Homework Calendar Email is best! kmcdonald@tvusd.k12.ca.us Class Policy Tear-off info helps me. See student grades – Infinite Campus (possible comments) See Google Classroom. Teacher gives feedback comments on writing and other assignments. Studysync account access with district code for Lang. Arts.
Infinite Campus New System See BVMS Quick Links for Infinite Campus. Put in student’s ID and password. See Grade Report and possible comments All grades have weights. 6th grade has 20% Practice (some have no points) 30% Application: Quizzes, drafts 50% Assessments- Final Writings/Reading, Projects, some Quizzes and Tests.
Writing takes time to grade, so I indicate if received or not Writing takes time to grade, so I indicate if received or not. The actual grade shows later. In Infinite Campus: A blank is left for absent day and will accept “M” for missing assignment (no points=zero) “L” means received late (See Late Policy.) In Google Classroom: Student must check writing assgs in G.Classroom for feedback. If indicated, he/she can revise and return the assignment. (Label REV in assg title.)
LA Common Core Standards stress: Close reading and writing analysis Critical thinking involving reading of fiction and non-fiction, using vocabulary in context to arrive at and create meaning. -Signposts in fiction reading are used so students will notice, note, question, and connect to their reading with annotations. -In informational non-fiction reading, students critically question the truth of the author and evaluate the central idea. Reading and Writing with an emphasis on identifying and forming a central idea , supporting it with citations, and choosing the correct structure based on author’s purpose to put it across. Using and correctly forming varied sentences with embedded vocabulary connected to their content. Speaking with academic language and listening in order to report ideas a partner or group discussed. (Productive Partnering)
Reading Performances Book Projects – fiction and non-fiction- student choice Stressing Common Core ideas. Book Commitment form signed. Listening /Speaking with oral/visual presentations Studysync TV videos and modeling of academic discussions. Annotating, or marking up, a text for understanding, questioning, inferring, and summing up. Coding signposts, leading to questions and meaning.
Forms of Writing fyi Explanatory conveys ideas with supporting evidence, compares-contrasts, relates news story, explains cause and effect, a problem-solution, or a how to process Summary explains in brief exactly what author wrote. No personal views or interpretation. Argument informs on both sides of an issue with a thesis which must be supported with cited evidence from a text. It could argue a current issue/hot topic or a literary idea. Narrative develops a plot with character, conflict, rising action, climax, and resolution. My eyes immediately met the hard, bright lights hanging directly above. I soon realized that I hurt all over. .
Studysync The newly adopted program called Studysync blends fiction and non-fiction literary excerpts that focus on a Big Question. This question connects to a common central idea for the Unit. Each unit also offers primary source material connecting to a specific time period in history. Note: Student username and password is assigned by the district.
Studysync login entry only (Locked link) https://connected.mcgraw-hill.com https://connected.mcgraw-hill.com Typical Unit: Overview Blast (article asking for response and opinion as well as peer reviews) Excerpts from fiction and non-fiction Primary source material Reading Questions Constructed Responses Writing Prompts Skills lessons for all language concepts Grammar lessons
Studysync topics* First Semester Central Idea- Trace theme or main idea through various works and express, using Explanatory Writing Narrative – creative story analysis and writing Second Semester Argument issue based and literary Literary Response with compare contrast * Note: Studysync wraps these topics into each unit, but one is stressed more than the others.
Ideas about Common Core Thinking Deeply: See, think, wonder Emphasizes critical thinking by insisting on citing areas of a text that explain their understanding. Integrating Learning Learning across disciplines with emphasis on tasks requiring use of math, social studies, and reading in order to produce concise constructed responses. Showing how they know Must show proof of understanding with cited evidence from text.
How do parents encourage this deeper thinking for Common Core? Ask why when child tells you he/she wants something. Ask for a specific reason and example. Explore their questions by researching with them. Discuss an issue or problem, but show both sides with examples. Brainstorm solutions. Compare how things alike or different. Respect your child’s opinions, but ask for reasons. Explain what you value and why.