Unit 3: Nationalism, Imperialism, and World War I The Congress of Vienna, and the Great Powers’ attempt to create a new European order following the defeat of Napoleon.
Agenda for the day: Introduction Warm-Up Activity Learning Targets Congress of Vienna Overview Group Activity: Continental System and Holy Alliance Conservatism in Europe, Rebellions, Conclusion and wrap-up Exit Slip
Warm-Up Activity: Identifying This Individual Who is the person in the previous slide? What is his significance? Why do you think he is important in terms of what we will be looking at/discussing?
Restoration of the French Monarchy 1814: The French Monarchy has been restored. Louis XVIII has been put into power by the winning side of the Napoleonic Wars. France’s physical boundaries were returned to where they had been as of January 1st, 1792.
Restoration of the French Monarchy (2) Why is this act Historically Significant? --Why do you think it was important for them to restore the French Monarchy, as well as returning French boundaries?
The Congress of Vienna:
The Congress of Vienna: 1815 http://www.the-map-as-history.com/demos/tome01/The- Congress-of-Vienna-1814-1815.php Assembly in 1814–15 that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. Involved seven countries: Britain, Prussia, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Spain, and Portugal. Britain, Prussia, Austria, and Russia – the four countries chiefly responsible for Napoleon’s defeat – reserved much of the decision- making for themselves during the congress. The settlement was the most-detailed treaty that Europe had ever seen.
The Congress of Vienna (2) It was an attempt at creating a lasting-peace within Europe by putting an end to the frequent battles and wars that were waged throughout its history. Policies to retain the status quo within European countries, and to not have another event like the French Revolution to occur. Agreement is successful for a number of decades. Conservatism Principle of Intervention
Group Activity: Representing the Major Countries in the Congress of Vienna Groups of 3-5 people. 5 Groups: Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and France. Each group represents one of the major countries. Article to read and discuss. Graphic Organizer to fill out. Historical Significance: What is it that your country wants to achieve from this meeting? Cause and Consequence: What kind of impact will your country have on the landscape of 19th Century Europe?
The Holy Alliance: Russia, Prussia, and Austria September 1815: An alliance signed by the monarchs of Austria, Prussia and Russia. Christian-overtones. Providential (Appointed by God). All religions were of equal footing. Liberated European politics from the interference of religion. Beginning of modern-international relations. All three countries were to protect each other. Peace synonymous with repression.
Lasting Impact of the Congress of Vienna, the Continental System, and the Holy Alliance Peace in Europe for 40 years. Conservative-styled rule throughout Europe. Liberty (Freedom and Equality) and Nationality repressed. Alliances are made: countries supporting each other’s Conservative rule.
Part 2
A Crack in the Conservative Hold of Europe: The Revolutions of 1848 1846: France Severe economic problems Untold hardship for lower-middle class, workers, and peasants Middle class loudly voiced their desire for the right to vote Louis refuses to make changes Opposition grew …Remind you of anything?
A Crack in the Conservative Hold of Europe: The Revolutions of 1848 (2) Monarchy overthrown in 1848 Moderate and Radicals establish a Republic …Still not remind you of something…??? Universal Male Suffrage: all adult men could vote. …When will they learn…? Workshops are setup, workshops close, workers riot, many die. New Constitution is drawn-up Louis-Napoleon as President.
A Crack in the Conservative Hold of Europe: The Revolutions of 1848 (3) Trouble in the German States: Congress of Vienna: 38 independent German states recognized – The German Confederation. Austria and Prussia being the two great powers. Cries for change: constitutions, a free press, jury trials. Frankfurt Assembly: unified Germany. Frederick William of Prussia refused the crown, as it was offered by a popularly elected assembly. --Why did he refuse? What does it represent?
A Crack in the Conservative Hold of Europe: The Revolutions of 1848 (4) Troubles in the Austrian Empire: Multinational State: Germans, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, Slovenes, Poles, Croats, Serbians, Ukrainians, and Italians. Uprisings throughout its empire. Hungary gains its own constitution. Czech revolt is suppressed – with the help of the Russian army (140,000).
Troubles in the Italian States: A Crack in the Conservative Hold of Europe: The Revolutions of 1848 (5) Troubles in the Italian States: Congress of Vienna – Nine states made up Italy. Wanted liberal constitutions. Wanted a unified Italy. By 1849, Austria re-establishes control.
The Crimean War (1853): The End of European Peace Conflict between Russia and Ottoman Empire Other major countries are concerned with Russia gaining more territory in the Balkans. France and Britain send forces to assist the Ottoman’s Austria refuses to send troops to assist Russia, creating a divide between the two nations. Siege of Sevastopol (1854-55) ends the peace that the European powers had enjoyed since 1815.
Think, Pair Share: Do you think that France and Great Britain should have involved themselves in this war? Make sure to think out your answer. First write out your response – think closely to what we have discussed, then discuss with a partner and share your ideas. We will then discuss as a class.
An Evolving Example of the Balkans: https://www.google.ca/search?q=sevastopol&source=lnms&tbm=is ch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj71p32hpjTAhVBxYMKHZfcDOIQ_AUIBygC&b iw=1366&bih=662#tbm=isch&q=The+Balkas&imgrc=Z_WdGPsDFGoU hM:
A Shifting Power Dynamic: What do the previous slides tell us about power dynamic and change?
Exit Slip should be a half-page in length. When considering its impact on Europe, do you think that the Congress of Vienna was successful? Why or why not? Exit Slip should be a half-page in length.