VOTERS’ LIST prior to re-verification 1,413,795 No. of persons on voters’ list prior to re-verification 1,413,795 after re-verification 1,259790* Re-verification adjustments 183785 Re-verification- an exercise undertaken by EOJ to verify that electors are still resident at their addresses and capture any demographic changes in order to update the database. * 29780 new electors were added over period due to continuous registration
CONT’D VOTERS’ LIST Breakdown No. of persons on the May 31, 2007 voters’ list 1,336,307 Breakdown No. of persons on EDW voters’ list 24,782 No. of persons on Police voters’ list 6,834 No. of persons on Military voters’ list 1,676 No. of persons on Civilian voters’ list 1,303,015
Election Day Statistics No. of Polling Locations 2,260 No. of Specialist Stations* 535 No. of EVIBIS Stations* 691 No. of Regular Stations 5,155 _____ Total No. of Polling Stations 6,381 No. of Election Day Workers (reserves included) 33,010 No. of Technicians (for EVIBIS stations only) 216 Specialist Stations - are those stations where it is desirous to have workers from outside the area undertake the conduct of the Election Day process. EVIBIS - Electronic Voter Identification and Ballot Issuing System
Election Results No. of persons on voters’ list 1,338,039 JLP 410,492 PNP 405,279 NDM 354 IEWFIPP 185 INA 124 INC 67 INB 28 JBF 9 __________ Total votes cast 816,538 Voter Turnout 61.02%