Morgentaler’s Closed!
Abortions in New Brunswick 2007-2013: 1000-1100 annually 2014 850 (estimated)
Clinic 554 open but…
The unbusier the better!
NEW BRUNSWICK REGULATION 84-20 under the Medical Services Payment Act (O.C. 84-64) Schedule 2 The following are deemed not to be entitled services: … (a.1) abortion, unless the abortion is performed in a hospital facility approved by the jurisdiction in which the hospital facility is located;
Original Abortion Plan Saint John Regional Hospital Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton Miramichi Hospital Moncton Hospital
Revised Plan Saint John Regional Hospital Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton Miramichi Hospital Moncton Hospital
New Brunswickers’ Views on Tax-Funded Abortion on Demand Opposed: 71% In Favour: 24% No Answer: 5% Corporate Research Associates poll February-March 2015
19 Conservative MLAs 2015 March for Life
2015 March for Life
2015 March for Life
Dr. Elizabeth Phillips
2015 March for Life
Darlene Pawlik
2015 March for Life
The Hon. Graydon Nicholas
2015 March for Life
2015 March for Life
Ultrasound: Window to the Womb
Doctor-assisted suicide: 12 month reprieve
Constitution of Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms Section 33: The “Notwithstanding” Clause
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: THANKS BUT NO THANKS!!
Every child has an equal right to life, before as well as after birth.
Every child has an equal right to life, before as well as after birth. New Policy for NB: Every child has an equal right to life, before as well as after birth.
New Brunswick Preborn Children If wanted … If unwanted … Protect and care for through pregnancy At public expense Expendable / abort at will At public expense
Designated abortion center: The Moncton Hospital
NB Abortion Sites Moncton Hospital Dr. Georges Dumont Hospital, Moncton Chaleur Hospital, Bathurst Clinic 554, Fredericton
Total New Brunswick Abortions BEFORE NEW POLICY 100O-11OO per year PREDICTED BY 2016-17 1500 per year
Potential Future Total Based on national average of 30 abortions per 100 live births 2,000 New Brunswick abortions per year
Since 1969… 30,000 New Brunswick children lost to induced abortion Flag Display for 1000 Baby Boys and Girls Aborted Annually
New Brunswick Deaths 2013-14: 6835 New Brunswick Births 2013-14: 6826 New Brunswick Deaths 2013-14: 6835 “New Brunswick is headed for the eye of the perfect demographic storm.” Constantine Passaris, Economist
Media reporting of pro-life news
Landmark Ruling: Supreme Court Sanctions Assisted Suicide
The Carter decision: before and after Health care = caring for patients but never killing them AFTER: Health care includes killing patients
At risk: the sick, elderly, people with disabilities
“Physician-assisted dying” = ??? Assisted suicide only? Euthanasia also?
The Slippery Slope: The Abortion Analogy Abortion first legalized for “hard cases” Abortion on demand Assisted suicide / euthanasia legalized for “hard cases” Patient-killing on demand
The fuel that greases the slippery slope: “It’s my body, my choice.”
Holland and Belgium: Euthanasia imposed Similar “consent only” law to that proposed by Supreme Court Elderly persons with Alzheimer’s killed – no consent Newborn handicapped babies killed – no consent
Who among us may not one day be sick, elderly or have a disability? Is anyone safe? Who among us may not one day be sick, elderly or have a disability? Who among us may not have a life that is considered “no longer worth living”?
GOOD NEWS! Really good news
Choosing life: always the right choice
Choice is good. Choose life! Life is good. Choice is good. Choose life!
2014 family picture
NB Right to Life Volunteers
“God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” Mt. 22:32
“The truth of the Lord endures forever.” Psalm 117
Injustice can be overcome
“Only a living thing can go against the stream.” G.K. Chesterton
● The eternal word of life: John 1:1-3, 1 Jn ● The eternal word of life: John 1:1-3, 1 Jn. 1: 1-2 ● “The Alpha and the Omega” Rev 22:13