The study in a nutshell (1/4) A synthesis of the provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon related to NPs A symbolic recognition The Early Warning Mechanism (EWM) Information rights Treaty revision A specific role for Freedom, Security & Justice Inter-parliamentary cooperation
The study in a nutshell (2/4) A rather negative assessment of the EWS Contingency requirement national governments’ hand A rather positive assessment of the dialogue with the Commission a massive use: 4000 opinions (2006-16) a mutli-level information provider
The study in a nutshell (3/4) Two opposite but equally uncertain options for collective action Green card (2015) Red card (2016) A mixed assessment of inter-parliamentary cooperation An increasing dynamism (foreign affairs, budget, justice…) Yet, still secondary arenas
The study in a nutshell (4/4) Regarding budgetary & economic coordination Variations between NPs in terms of rights & involvement Yet, generally, development of scrutiny over those issues… … which contrasts with the great uncertainty regarding NPs’ role at the EU level. 5 options identified.
Four contemporary challenges: problems & recommendations Opposition Inter-parliamentary cooperation Duration Transparency & information
Four contemporary challenges: 1. the role of the opposition Problem The fusion between parliamentary majority & the government in national democracies How to give a say to the opposition? Recommendations Promotion of best practices at the domestic level Pluralist composition of any parliamentary delegation Minority opinions sent to EU institutions
Four contemporary challenges: 2. inter-parliamentary cooperation Problems Which audience? Which outputs? Divisions between parliaments. Lack of MPs’ motivation. Recommendations (Standing) committee-based compositions of parliamentary delegations Renewed working methods Clever timing of the conferences
Four contemporary challenges: 3. rhythm of policy processes Problem Fast track legislation Elongation of the legislative procedure (2 years) Recommendations Stop solely focussing NPs involvement on the early period of legislative bargains Early involvement of the sectoral standing committees (not only EU committees)
Four contemporary challenges: 4. the transparency Problem Generalisation of 1st reading agreement NPs hardly informed during bargains Recommendations More transparency regarding trilogues Connecting with the future common legislative database of the three institutions More transparency regarding the Council activities
Presentation by Olivier Rozenberg Sciences Po (Paris) Policy Department Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs Responsible Administrator: Eeva ERIKSSON