“Don’t make me read, make me understand “ www.makemegenius.com– Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “
Roman Numerals
Let’s learn the Roman Numerals: I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000
Click on the number that matches the Roman Numeral.
LXIII A. 53 B. 63 C. 113
OOPS! Try again!
You are correct! LXIII = 50+10+3 = 63 Remember: L=50; X=10; III=3
2.DCXXIV A. 624 B. 1624 C. 5524
OOPS! Try again!
You are correct! DCXXIV= 500+100+20+4= 624
3. CCL A. 150 B. 250 C. 550
OOPS! Try again!
You are correct! CCL = 100+100+50=250
Thanks Submitted by Adesh Mumbai
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“Don’t make me read, make me understand “ www.makemegenius.com– Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “