Interview Schedules Management and Reporting Lindsey Hagen and Monica Rivas
Overview Types of Schedules Best Practices for Schedule Management Schedule Emails Schedule Reports
Creating Schedules Types of Schedules: Open(system screening only) Preselect (system and employer screening) Preselect continuous (review and make decisions on ongoing basis) Resume collection – No interview date, collect resumes for employers Rooms Only – Room reservations, not for student sign-up, typically for second round interviews
Best Practices Preselect Management: Submitting Picks Alternates – Only allowed with Preselect Moving preselects Mass emailing students from schedule list Did you know? You can search for qualified candidates by viewing the linked job’s profile.
Best Practices Timeline Management Timeline Practices Timeline Templates
Best Practices Timeslot templates
Question How do you adjust a timeslot template that has already been assigned to a schedule?
Demo Let’s set a schedule up together!
Schedule Emails Navigate to Tools>Setup>Templates
Schedule Reports Types: Schedule: A list of each individual schedule that meets the specific criteria Schedule-Preselect: Shows all of the students on the preselect list for your schedules
Schedule Reports Types: Schedule- Timeslots: Shows each timeslot on your schedules, you are also able to show the student who is signed up for the timeslot Schedule-Waitlist: Generates all students currently on the wait list for your schedule(s)
System Reports (Preset reporting lists) Schedule - Resume Drops Schedule - Preselect Stats Schedule - Timeslot Stats Schedule - Sessions/Timeslots (Weekly) 1-Click Report: Schedules approaching in next # of days