The New GCSE - Mathematics at Christleton
What’s New? Three Papers More Exam Time 1 non-calculator, two calculator More Exam Time 3 x 1.5 hour exams
What’s New? New Grading 9 to 1
New Grading Structure 1 is the lowest, anchored to grade G “The bottom of grade 1 will be aligned with the bottom of a G.” 9 is the highest, for the top 3% or so
New Grading Structure 7 will be anchored to grade A “Broadly the same proportion of students will achieve a grade 7 and above as currently achieve an A and above.” 4 will be anchored to grade C “Broadly the same proportion of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above.” 5 will be set between C and B
In 2017 the same percentage that get a “C” in 2016 will be awarded a grade 4.
In 2017 the same percentage that get a “C” in 2016 will be awarded a grade 4.
Key Topics New to both Tiers What’s New? New Topics, and More Difficult Content in Both Tiers Key Topics New to both Tiers Knowing the exact values of sinθ, cosθ and tanθ for θ= 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°(not tan). Using inequality notation to specify error intervals Using Venn diagrams Working with percentages >100% Frequency trees
Tangent to a circle Using iteration to find approximate solutions to equations Gradient at a point on a curve Average and instantaneous rates of change Areas under graphs (some) Kinematics formulae
Using trigonometric ratios Use of Standard Form Vectors Factorising quadratics, including the difference of two squares Using y=mx+c
What’s New? No Formulae Sheets
Which Tier? Higher Foundation More algebra Less number More problem solving Foundation Less algebra More number Less problem solving
Exam Board Edexcel Linear specification (no modules or units or coursework)
Half marks on each paper targeting grades 4-6 and other half at 7-9 Exam Format Higher 9 - 4 Target grade 5 or above Grade 3 available Foundation 5 - 1 Target grade 5 or below Half marks on each paper targeting grades 4-6 and other half at 7-9 Half marks on each paper targeting grades 1 to 3 (lower part) and other half at 3 (upper part) to 5
Year 10 Higher Tier Mainly 7, 8, 9 Set 1 Mainly 5, 6, 7 Set 2 Mixture of Higher and Foundation Mainly 4, 5, 6 Set 3 Foundation Tier 1 to 4 Set 4 End of Year 10 test will decide Year 11 sets. Structure will be decided by the beginning of Year 11. Work rate and attitude throughout Year 10 will be taken into account together with teachers’ professional judgement.
Year 12 In 2017/18 and 2018/19 students aged 16- 18 will be required to retake English and Maths where they fail to achieve a grade 4 at GCSE. In 2019/2020 this will rise to a grade 5.
What can you do to support your children? Communicate Packages Homework H2 Planner
Essentials! Available from school @ £5.60 From £5.00 - £10.00
Revision Guides Available from school Revision Guide @ £3.00 Workbook + Answers @ £3.00 Revision Guides
Revision Cards Available from school Foundation or Higher @ £8.00
MathsWatch DVD Only available from school @ £4.00
Tutors Concentrate on what a student doesn’t know, rather than what they can do. Supply their own resources. Specification is available online. Specimen papers are available online. In addition to revision sessions at school Homework needs to be done by your child, not their tutor!