Big Cities Health Coalition Meeting John Auerbach, MBA Associate Director for Policy Acting Director, Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support, CDC Craig Thomas, PhD Director, Division of Public Health Performance Improvement Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support, CDC July 18, 2016
CDC Strategic Directions Improve health security at home and around the world Better prevent the leading causes of illness, injury, disability, and death Strengthen public health/ health care collaboration
The 3 Buckets of Prevention Traditional Clinical Prevention Innovative Clinical Prevention Community-Wide Prevention 1 2 3 Implement interventions that reach whole populations Increase the use of clinical preventive services Provide services that extend care outside the clinical setting Health Care Public Health SOURCE: Auerbach J. The 3 Buckets of Prevention. J Public Health Management Practice 201
Health Impact in 5 Years (HI5)
EXAMPLE: Early Childhood Education (ECE) Description: ECE teaches literacy, numeracy, cognitive development, socio-emotional development, or motor skills to children ages 3–4. Some programs offer recreation, meals, health care, and social services. Health impact: ECE improves the cognitive and social development of children. Evidence shows that ECE can also reduce BMI, child maltreatment, and the number of emergency department visits. Economic impact: A generic real-world, high-quality early childhood education programs yields a cost-benefit ratio of more than 2:1.
Reported Zika Cases in the Continental United States and US Territories 3,667 cases (as of 7/6/2016) 1,133 in the continental US 2,534 in PR and US territories 599 pregnant women (as of 6/30/2016) 320 in the continental US 279 in US territories To date, 14 sexually transmitted cases have been identified
Zika Stages of Response and Phases
Interim CDC Zika Response Plan—Phases 0 and 1 Phase 0/1: Mosquito Season Preparedness and Mosquito Season CDC support of state and local jurisdictions Preparatory actions Education/information Mosquito control Monitoring Thorough planning Introduced cases (symptomatic and asymptomatic) before local transmission
Interim CDC Zika Response Plan—Phases 2–4 Phase 2: Limited Local Confirmed Transmission First local case transmission assistance Defining a Zika transmission area Phase 3: Widespread Local and Continuous Transmission Responding to evidence of continuous transmission CDC Emergency Response Team (CERT) Subject matter expert support Phase 4: Widespread Local Multijurisdictional, Continuous Transmission Increased CDC and other federal support Relationships with other government/nongovernmental organizations CDC CERTs support jurisdictions by consultation and/or deployment
Craig Thomas, PhD Director, Division of Public Health Performance Improvement Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support, CDC
OSTLTS Mission Advance US public health agency and system performance, capacity, agility, and resilience
OSTLTS Overview Supports increased capacity and performance improvement for state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) public health agencies Provides specialized training for new public health officials and professionals Helps STLT agencies understand the use of law to improve the public’s health Issues tools and resources to help STLT agencies with communication, teleconferences, website content, and health assessment
Number of Associates Hired Public Health Associate Program Two-year early career on-the-job training program Established to enhance public health capacity In 2015, 4 PHAP associates worked in tribal organizations Year Number of Associates Hired 2007 10 2008 27 2010 65 2011 64 2012 100 2013 134 2014 145 2015 208
Public Health Law Program Polar Graph on State School Vaccination Exemptions Law What we do Advance the use of law as a public health tool How we do it Legal epidemiology Workforce development Tools for understanding and making law and policy decisions Whom we serve CDC programs and STLT communities You!
Prevention Status Reports (PSRs) A suite of CDC reports that highlight—for all 50 states and the District of Columbia—the status of public health policies and practices designed to address priority public health problems. Alcohol-Related Harms Food Safety Healthcare-Associated Infections Heart Disease and Stroke HIV Motor Vehicle Injuries Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Prescription Drug Overdose Teen Pregnancy Tobacco Use
Prevention Status Reports (PSRs) Topic reports for each state and DC are available on the PSR website: If you have questions about the PSRs, please contact the PSR team at
Public Health Improvement Workforce Development and Training Public Health Performance Improvement Network (phPIN) A learning community and peer exchange network launched in January Supports networking, access to just-in-time resources, and sharing of best practices Email for more information! Recent national training events (health assessment, planning, and improvement) Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Training June 1‒2, 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona Public Health Improvement Training (PHIT) June 15‒17, 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland
Public Health Accreditation
Accreditation Support Initiative (ASI)
Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Flexible funds to identify, prioritize, and address public health needs within jurisdictions Including the needs of locals, tribes, and other health agencies Viable source of funds to maintain and enhance public health infrastructure, existing programs and services, and confront new and emerging public health needs
Support for Health Officials Customized Support Partner Engagement Special Projects New Health Official Engagement Welcome calls with new health officials Health Official Orientation Customized Support for Health Officials Helps health officials navigate CDC Facilitates/provides technical assistance Partnering with ASTHO, NACHC, NACCHO, ACPM and NGA to support Health Officials Projects include providing technical assistance to states in the areas of community health workers and telemedicine Webinars Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) CDC provides direct assistance to SOAR Facilitate collaboration and partnership building among public health, community organizations, and clinicians