The Evolution of Impact-Based Decision Support Services at CWSU Boston Scott Reynolds CWSU Boston (Nashua NH)
Overview Aviation Impact-Based Decision Support Services are evolving in the CWSUs These are NOT new concepts! That’s what we do everyday! What is changing… How we provide IDSS What IDSS is provided to our partners Demand-driven idss
IDSS What is Aviation IDSS? The problems… Providing impact-based forecasts that are tailored to the specific needs of the requesting aviation customer(s) Focused efforts on “high impact” events But not forgetting about the “routine” operations Building needed relationships with our partners The problems… Understanding what each customer needs… Anticipating future needs of each customer…
How Do We Define a “High Impact Event? Is it…
What about these? “Major” news-worthy weather events? Hurricanes, Nor’Easters, severe weather outbreaks? Thunderstorms in congested air space? Clear air turbulence? Low level wind shear? Compression? Snow squalls, stratus decks, fog banks, wind shifts? Geomagnetic storm?
Hermine What aviation-related concerns do you have? 250 mb (10/26/16 – 1200z)
10/21/2016 HRRR 2hr fcst 1945z HRRR 4hr fcst
Bad Night for BOS?
Boston Departures
Typical Boston Arrivals
How We’ve Evolved Since 2011 Better understanding of… BOS ATCT/A90 (BOS Approach) ops 6 runways – multiple usable runway configurations BOX one of the 1st CAC/3-hourly AMD offices ZBW En-Route ops International routing Departure gate and arrival fix forecasts Domestic routing Outside influences - NY Metro impacts Added new customer K90 (Cape Approach) -> summer Basic understanding of NY arrival/departure ops and impact of “adjustments” on ZBW ops Int’l ops – 200+ daily departs during peak summer season (entire NE corridor) – most from NY and most traverse ZBW
How We’ve Evolved since 2011 Forecast Operations Higher sensitivity on the most impactful weather BOS winds (and ceilings) TS Coverage, intensity, trends, tops, movement, etc. Location, location, location! Anything impacting NY Metros Increased use of all available data sources AWIPS Mesoscale models – HRRR, 4km WRF, ensembles (esp. Time-Lagged NARRE) Lightning data WebTSD
How We’ve Evolved Since 2011 Briefings More emphasis on impactful weather beyond ARTCC boundaries (standup) Added emphasis on NY Metros, other major markets in eastern ½ of U.S. (TMU, standup) Added emphasis on international operations and impacts (mostly TMU) More specifics on “trouble spots” Basic understanding of NY arrival/departure ops and impact of “adjustments” on ZBW ops Int’l ops – 200+ daily departs during peak summer season (entire NE corridor) – most from NY and most traverse ZBW
We Must Constantly ask… “Are we meeting the customers’ needs?” Recent example: supervisor request for more detailed shift planning info Morning: prepare earlier for afternoon/evening staffing considerations Afternoon: better prepare for tactical responses to weather “issues”, late night staffing needs Do they even know what they need? “Are we communicating our information in the most effective way?” Verbal briefings Digital information
ZBW Evolution Part 2 Revamp CWSU operations More efficient use of space, available technology Continue to reassess utility/effectiveness (relevance) of current “information suite” and operational duties Example: Stand-up briefings MORE emphasis on “ARTCC+3” information Added emphasis on next shift/next day preparedness Use all relevant information sources (AWIPS, web) Meet new/changing local requirements Develop pre-shift briefings for all controllers (digital) Area-specific impact forecasts? Develop position relief briefing information (digital) Even MORE detailed and timely briefing info! (verbal)
Evolution (cont’d) Continue soliciting partners’ feedback to keep our services relevant and impactful ARTCC A90 (BOS) and K90 (Cape) TRACONs ATCTs (primarily BOS, also event-driven divert locations) Continue outreach to all partners Increased collaboration with WFOs Ensure consistent message across airspace, especially during potential diversion events