CALPADS Information Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

CALPADS Information Meeting Preferred: Audio default - Computer speakers or headphones. Other: Toll call - click icon at bottom right hand corner 1

CALPADS Information Meeting October 17, 2017 This presentation may be downloaded from: October 17, 2017 CIM, 2

Agenda Agenda Review CDE Update Every Student Succeeds Act Reporting Requirements CALPADS Support Update Next Meeting October 17, 2017 CIM, 3

Procedures for Asking Questions To ask a question: Click on the “Q&A” icon to open the Q&A box. In the “Send to” dropdown, select “Presenter” Type your question in the Q&A box and press “Send” We will: Respond to questions during the meeting as time permits Address unanswered questions via an upcoming Flash or in additions to FAQs as appropriate If your question is not answered, please submit a service ticket October 17, 2017 CIM, 4 4 4

CDE Update Karen Almquist, Administrator CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office, CDE Paula Mishima, Administrator Educational Data Management Division October 17, 2017 CIM, 5

CDE Update - AGENDA 2017- 18 Submission Deadlines General Updates Assessment Reminders Accountability Update October 17, 2017 CIM, 6 6 6

2016-17 Submissions The CDE would like to congratulate 99% of LEAs for certifying the EOY submissions! The data LEAs submit to CALPADS have become key to many critical functions, putting more responsibility and workload on those who work on CALPADS The critical importance of your work was conveyed to superintendents and charter school administrators in the annual Back-to-School Letter sent out last month The letter is posted on the CALPADS page October 17, 2017 CIM,

2017-18 Fall Submissions The 2017-18 Fall Submission: Opened: October 4, 2017 Fall 1 Certification Deadline: December 15, 2017 End of Amendment Window: January 26, 2018 Fall 2 Certification reports available beginning December 20 Certification Deadline: February 23, 2018 End of Amendment Window: March 23, 2018 October 17, 2017 CIM,

Administrative Updates CALPADS LEA Administrator Authorization Process Change To implement best practices and enhance overall security the process for authorizing CALPADS administrators is being modified Interim Process: If a CALPADS administrator application is over one-year old, a new application is required upon the LEA ADMINSTRATOR account password reset or expiration This process will continue until a new process is implemented in the fall of 2018 To request an application submit a Service Desk ticket with “LEA Administrator Application Request” as the subject October 17, 2017 CIM,

Administrative Updates New Process in 2018-19 following the close of the 2018 EOY submission: The CALPADS LEA Administrator application must be renewed annually The CALPADS LEA Administrator application must be signed by the LEA Administrator and Superintendent/Charter School Administrator and submitted each year Upon receipt of application, accounts will be renewed or re-enabled Change in Superintendents/Charter School Administrators and/or LEA administrators that occur during the school year Accounts for new LEA administrators will be provided when requested and will be valid for one year from that date New applications will be required when there is a change in Superintendent/Charter School administrator, but this will not impact the LEA Administrator’s login credentials October 17, 2017 CIM,

System Updates During 2017-18 the CALPADS team is working on the following for implementation in the fall of 2018 Enhancing the security model to enable CALPADS to rollup data for other “org types” (e.g. SELPA, COE, multi-LEA accounts) and to provide for “view only” functionality Updating the CALPADS user interface for 508 compliance and screen consolidation Updating software versions and moving the CALPADS physical environment October 17, 2017 CIM,

Programmatic Updates 2017-18 Starting July 2017, direct certification results for all LEAs include students eligible for Reduced Priced Meals New CTE course codes for all pathways are now included in the Code Set All local CTE codes must be remapped to new codes which a new numerical range of 7000-8999 All 4000-5999 codes were retired as of 6/30/2017 Starting in Spring 2018, a 4-year Graduation Cohort report is scheduled to be available in CALPADS for 2016-17 cohort October 17, 2017 CIM,

Programmatic Updates 2018-19 Beginning July 2018, phasing in changes to accommodate new regulations for identifying English Learners using the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) New English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) codes will be implemented In preparation of CASEMIS to CALPADS transition, potential retirement of “ungraded” grade levels and implementation of a method for capturing “postsecondary/transition” grade level Begin inter-agency discussion/work to implement a new process to identify and inform LEAs of migrant students based on state level match October 17, 2017 CIM,

Programmatic Updates 2019-20 CASEMIS submission will be transitioned to CALPADS Special Education student information systems will submit special education program data directly to CALPADS In preparation for the transition, in 2017-18 and 2018-19 LEAs should establish and follow local business processes that ensure data in local student information systems and special education systems are in sync. October 17, 2017 CIM,

Support for Programmatic Changes CTE Course Code Restructuring Workshops were provided throughout the fall CASEMIS to CALPADS Transition Fall CASEMIS Roadshows, which begin October 9th, will provide updates on transition CASEMIS file layouts have been modified for 2018-19 to mirror names and code values that will be used for CALPADS Roadshows geared more toward CASEMIS staff – CALPADS staff need not attend Additional roadshows will be held in the spring with more of a CALPADS emphasis October 17, 2017 CIM,

Every Student Succeeds Act Reporting Requirements October 17, 2017 CIM,

ESSA Teacher Reporting Requirements ESSA requires ANNUAL counts of minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged students compared to counts of non-minority, non-socioeconomically disadvantaged students taught by the following: “Ineffective” Teachers “Out-of-Field” Teachers “Inexperienced” Teachers October 17, 2017 CIM,

ESSA Teacher Reporting Requirements Term Definitions Adopted by State Board Ineffective teacher A teacher who is: Misassigned (placed in a position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or a certificated employee placed in a teaching or services position in which the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to serve) Teaching without a credential Out-of-field teacher A teacher who has not yet demonstrated subject matter competence in the subject area(s) or for the student population to which he or she is assigned. Under this definition, teachers with the following limited permits would be considered out-of-field: General Education Limited Assignment Permit (GELAP) Special Education Limited Assignment Permit (SELAP) Inexperienced teacher A teacher who has two or fewer years of teaching experience October 17, 2017 CIM,

ESSA Teacher Reporting Requirements Teacher Type Data Source Ineffective TBD Out-of Field Commission on Teacher Credentialing: General Education Limited Assignment Permit (GELAP) Special Education Limited Assignment Permit (SELAP) Inexperienced CALPADS Fall 2 7.30 – Staff Service Years LEA 7.31 – Staff Service Years Total   Paula to find where previous year data is posted for Inexperienced teachers October 17, 2017 CIM,

Assessments and CALPADS October 17, 2017 CIM,

ELPAC Roll Out – OVERVIEW The English Learner Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) includes: Initial Assessment Summative Assessment ELPAC Schedule Initial Assessment is given at the beginning of the school year, but may occur at any time depending when a student first enrolls Summative Assessment is given in the spring (instead of fall) Students who take the initial assessment at the beginning of the year will also take the summative assessment in the spring if they are determined to be an English Learner The integration of CALPADS into the ELPAC process will be phased in over time October 17, 2017 CIM,

ELPAC Roll Out – FIRST YEAR Summative Assessment rolls out first, Spring 2018 CALPADS data used for Pre-ID Initial Assessment rolls out July 2018 LEAs assess students with Initial Assessment and use Local Scoring Tool (LST) to receive score In order to use LST student must be enrolled in CALPADS with an English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) of TBD or no ELAS record LEA uses scores to determine students’ ELAS of English Learner (EL) or Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP) and updates CALPADS using the SELA In the future, the EL or IFEP designation will automatically be sent to CALPADS by TOMS/LST October 17, 2017 CIM,

ELPAC Roll Out – FIRST YEAR AND ON LEAs may correct an EL or IFEP designation only during a specified timeframe and before the student takes the summative ELPAC, using one of the proposed ELAS codes that indicate why the change was made After the correction period is over, an EL or IFEP designation can never be changed New codes valid only for students designated EL or IFEP on or after July 1, 2018 Use this code… If student’s ELAS was corrected… EOC1 from EL to EO/IFEP due to Home Language Survey mistake EOC2 from EL to EO/IEFP due to a dispute of score EOC3 from EL to EO/IFEP due to student misidentification (wrong student) EOC4 from EL to EO/IEFP for other reasons ELC1 from IFEP to EL due to a dispute of score New codes are only for new students with the following condition: never had a ELAS record or only has a TBD record Also note – new codes can only be corrected between the initial and summative assessments October 17, 2017 CIM,

Assessments and CALPADS Update CELDT Data 2016-17 CELDT data are available in CALPADS CAASPP Loading CAASPP results into CALPADS is still planned, but a lower priority given the current availability of results in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) and the Online Reporting System (ORS) maintained by the assessment vendor, Educational Testing Services (ETS) October 17, 2017 CIM,

CAASPP and CALPADS Update In order to ensure accurate reporting, it is important that LEAs keep CALPADS up-to-date with student demographic and program data During the testing window, LEAs should review subgroup data available in TOMS in the LEA-level Student Demographics Report and correct any data prior to the end of their testing window October 17, 2017 CIM,

CAASPP and CALPADS Update It also continues to be important to enroll and exit students in CALPADS on a timely basis Retroactive updates of exits causes confusion EXAMPLE A student exits on 4/18/17 prior to the 5/1/17 opening of the LEA’s testing window On 5/2/17, the LEA exits the student from CALPADS with a 4/18/17 exit date Since the student was exited from CALPADS after the testing window opened on 5/1/17 the student was included in the CALPADS to TOMS file and therefore a testing registration was created The student will continue to be in the Completion Status Report for the remainder of the testing window The student is counted as “not tested” on the public reporting site, which is misinterpreted as the participation rate While the CDE screens such students out when the official participation rate is calculated, LEAs are confused when they receive Student Score Reports for such students October 17, 2017 CIM,

Accountability Update October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard The purpose of California’s new accountability system is to hold both districts and schools accountable and to foster continuous improvement As such the California School Dashboard or “Dashboard” contains reports that display the performance of districts, schools, and student groups on a set of state measures to assist in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement Local indicators are reported at the district and county level only October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard The Dashboard will most effectively inform LCAP planning to foster continuous improvement when metrics are based on the most recent data submitted to CALPADS or that is available from other sources Therefore data submission deadlines attempt to balance the practical realities LEAs face of school calendars and availability of staff with the need for timely, quality data October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard The Performance Indicators are based on: Status: Where a school is today based on the most recent data Change: Progress a school made from one year to the next THEREFORE, at least two years of data are always needed Both Status and Change have five levels: Status: Very High, High, Medium, Low, Very Low Change: Increase Significantly, Increased, Maintained, Declined, Declined Significantly Status and Change are combined to produce the Performance Category, displayed in colors and pie segments October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard The performance categories are displayed as a color and in pie segments October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard For those indicators that rely solely on CALPADS certified data, schools that do not certify (or submit) data in CALPADS are automatically assigned an Orange performance level Currently this only applies to the Suspension Indicator Eventually will apply to Chronic Absenteeism NOTE: The SBE will consider, beginning with the Fall 2018 Dashboard, automatically assigning a RED performance level if data are not certified October 17, 2017 CIM,

2017 Dashboard Data Source Year of Data Source Indicator Chronic Absenteeism CALPADS EOY 3 K-8 2016-17 (SBE to determine if Status or information only) Suspension Rate Suspension, Cumulative Enrollment 2015-16 and 2016-17 English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) CELDT end of year data file CALPADS ODS (cumulative count of ELs who became RFEP during school year, July 1 to June 30) CAASPP ELA Score 2015-16, 2016-17 CELDT 2015, 2016 RFEP Data 2014-15, 2015-16 CAASPP ELA Graduation Rate Indicator CALPADS ODS Class of 2016 rate Divided by average of rates for classes of 2013, 2014, 2015 Academic Indicator Smarter Balanced Results (3-8) CALPADS Demographics 2017 Smarter Balanced Assess. 2016 Smarter Balanced Assess. College/Career Indicator (CCI) CALPADS EOY 1 (Course, CTE) AP, IB Results Smarter Balanced Results (11) Class of 2016, Graduate Cohort (Status only) October 17, 2017 CIM,

2017 Dashboard – Tentative Schedule Early November 2017 LEA private preview begins Rolling weekly release of indicators November 8 and 9, 2017 SBE meeting – Potential actions on Academic and Chronic Absenteeism Indicators Week of November 27, 2017 Tentative public launch of Dashboard October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism Chronic Absenteeism indicator will be based on K-8 data Since two years of data are required, the earliest that a performance level will be reported for the Chronic Absenteeism Indicator in the Dashboard is Fall of 2018 based on 2016-17 and 2017-18 data, depending on data quality The State Board of Education will decide in November 2017 whether 2016-17 Chronic Absenteeism data will be reported on the 2017 Dashboard as Status or Information Only Starting in 2016-17 Chronic Absenteeism data will be used for federal reporting October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism Reducing chronic absenteeism is a high priority in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Senate Bill 2815 (Ch 829, Statutes of 2016) which became effective January 1, 2017, specifies new and expanded responsibilities for attendance supervisors to support their role in identifying and supporting chronically absent students A letter dated January 20, 2017, regarding these changes was sent to County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators can be found here: To support this goal some CALPADS definitions and guidance are being modified with regard to when students should be exited in CALPADS October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism Change in Enrollment Exit Date Definition Definition of Enrollment Exit is being changed to support the goals of SB 2815 by specifying that habitual truants who appear to have dropped out should be exited once they have been referred to SARB October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism Enrollment Exit Date – Definitional Change Name Current Definition New Defintion Enrollment Exit Date The last date that a student attended a specific enrollment period. This should be the last day that the student generated average daily attendance for the school for that enrollment period. If the student never generated average daily attendance at the school (a no-show), then the exit date is one day before or equal to the Enrollment Start Date. The last date that a student attended a specific enrollment period. This should be the last day that the student generated average daily attendance for the school for that enrollment period, unless the student is a habitual truant. For a habitual truant, the exit date should be the date the student was referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism Guidance for “No-Shows” SB 2815 specifies that it is the duty of the attendance supervisor to promote a culture of attendance to ensure that pupils with attendance problems are identified as early as possible To leverage CALPADS to identify such students, LEAs should identify students who were expected to return the following school year (E155’s), but who do not show up and refer those students to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) These students should be exited with a E140-Truant, No Known Enrollment October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism New guidance will not be immediately enforced in CALPADS A more comprehensive FLASH is forthcoming Re-evaluate when to update E155 exit to more accurately indicate exit reason - YearEndEnrlmntExitSameSchl Discussions are also occurring regarding N470 – No Show E400 – OtherOrUknown E450 – PreK-6Exit October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Suspension Rate Suspension Rates are calculated using the following EOY 3 certified data: Count of Suspensions (unduplicated) Cumulative Enrollment The Suspension Rate Indicator on the 2017 Dashboard will be based on: 2015-16 EOY 3 certified suspension data 2016-17 EOY 3 certified suspension and cumulative enrollment data October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) ELPI Calculation Annual CELDT Test Takers Who Increased at least 1 CELDT Level Plus Annual CELDT Test Takers Who Maintained Early Advanced/Advanced proficiency on CELDT English Learners Who were Reclassified in the Prior year (July 1- June 30) LTEL CELDT Test Takers Who Increased at Least 1 CELDT Level (NEW) Divided by Total number of Annual CELDT Test Takers in the current year English Learners Who were Reclassified in the prior year October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: English Learner Progress The English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) is based on: CELDT Data from the Test Vendor The ELPI includes all annual CELDT test takers who have two years of CELDT scores CELDT scores from the current year come from the test vendor, and scores from the prior year are the scores reported by the LEA to the test vendor (on Pre-ID or answer document), and Annual CELDT scores are attributed to the school where the student took the most recent test Use DataQuest in spring to obtain list of LTEL students October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: English Learner Progress RFEP Data from CALPADS: Count of students re-designated Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) in the prior school year from CALPADS The count of RFEP students is based on the number of students reclassified during the school year from July 1 through June 30 Therefore, these counts will be different from the RFEP counts LEAs certify as part of Fall 1, which uses a time period from fall Census Day to fall Census Day The CDE plans to change the CALPADS RFEP report to be consistent with what is used for accountability RFEP students who move from one school to the next, or one district to the next, are included in the ELPI calculation of the school or district that reclassified the student October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: English Learner Progress Long-Term English Learners (LTEL) who increased one CELDT level LTEL are English Learners who have: Been enrolled on Census Day in grades 6-12 Been enrolled in US school for 6 or more years Remained at the same English language proficiency level for two or more consecutive years, or has regressed to a lower level as determined by CELDT Scored at the “Standard Not Met” level on the prior CAASPP-ELA (for students in grades 6-9) October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Graduation Rate Status: 4-Year Graduation Cohort Rate of Prior Year Class Change: 4-year Graduation Cohort Rate of Prior Year Class minus Three-Year Weighted Average Example: For Class of 2016 4-Year Graduation Cohort Rate for Class of 2016 minus Three-year Weighted Average for Classes of 2013, 2014, and 2015 October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Graduation Rate To provide transparency and LEA review the CDE plans to include a 4-Year Graduation Cohort report within CALPADS Tentatively, new report will be available for 2016-17 cohort in spring 2018 In order to use more recent data for the calculation of both the Graduation Rate and College and Career Indicator, the CDE plans to: Enable LEAs to view the 4-year graduation cohort report in CALPADS for 2017-18 earlier This requires all LEAs to exit all students at the end of the school year versus waiting until October when the Fall 1 submission window opens Note: One-year graduate counts will remain in Fall 1 for now October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Graduation Rate - Changes Federal Non-regulatory Guidance from January 2017 specifies the documentation that LEAs should have for exiting students To confirm that a student… The LEA must have written documentation such as… Has transferred to another public school in California…. Subsequent enrollment in CALPADS   Has transferred to a private school from which the student is expected to receive a regular high school diploma… A request for student records from a receiving private school A written record of a response from an official in the receiving school or program acknowledging the student’s enrollment Has emigrated to another country… Written confirmation that a student has emigrated to another country, such as a documented conversation by the school administrator and the student’s parent that is placed in the student’s file An official written documentation, such a request for student records, is not required Has died… A letter from a parent An obituary or death notice A death certificate is not necessary Missing guidance on Home School October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: College and Career Indicator For students in the 4-year graduation cohort (minus students who take the California Alternate Assessment) various data sources will be used to determine the number of students who are, Prepared Approaching Prepared Not Prepared for college or career October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: College and Career Indicator Key Non-CALPADS Data used for CCI: Passing AP and IB exams Scores on Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Key CALPADS Data used for CCI: Met UC/CSU a-g (completion indicator) Completion, with a passing grade, of academic or CTE courses that are Dual Enrollment (State Course Codes: 2190, 2290, 2490, 2690, 2890, 6090) or Identified in Course Section Instructional Level (Field 9.19) as “College Credit” (Code: 16) Completion of a CTE pathway State Seal of Biliteracy and Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, are two new completion indicators that have yet to be incorporated October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: College and Career Indicator Multiple ways for students to meet criteria FOR EXAMPLE a graduate is considered “Prepared” if he/she meets at least 1 of the following measures: Criteria for being considered “Prepared” for College or Career A CTE Pathway completion plus one of the following: On Smarter Balanced assessment, at least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on ELA or math, and at least a Level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area One semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic/CTE) B At least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on both Smarter Balanced ELA & Math C Completion of two semesters/three quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic and/or CTE subjects) D Passing Score on two AP Exams or two IB Exams E Completion of courses that meet UC/CSU a-g criteria plus one of the following: CTE Pathway completion At Least a Level 3 on ELA or Math; and at least a Level 2 in the other subject One semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (academic/CTE) Passing score on one AP Exam or on one IB Exam October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Academic Indicators Academic Indicator for Grades 3 - 8 Key Data: Smarter Balanced English Language Arts and Mathematics scores Key CALPADS Data: Demographic and program data to determine student groups The rules for selection of demographic and program data may differ from the rules used to aggregate and post annual Smarter results For example, for accountability purposes, students are placed in a student group if they were socio-economically disadvantaged, English Learner, migrant, foster, homeless, student with disability at any time during the year, and not what they were at the close of the testing window October 17, 2017 CIM,

Dashboard: Student Groups All indicators will be reported at the student group level in the November 2017 release CALPADS data is critical for identifying student groups Student groups include: Race/ethnicity Socio-economically disadvantaged English Learner Migrant Foster Homeless Special Education October 17, 2017 CIM,

CALPADS Support Update Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS Martha Friedrich Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS October 17, 2017 CIM, 54

CALPADS Support Update Topics EOY Certification Numbers New / Revised Functionality Fall Submission Strategies Recognition Program Support Tips October 17, 2017 CIM,

EOY Submission Statistics Expected LEAs Total Certified Percent Certified EOY 1 1621 1597 99% EOY 2 1855 1843 EOY 3 1837 October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 1 and 2 Updates October 17, 2017 CIM,

Summary of 2017-18 Changes Functionality Change Code Set New – New State course codes in 7000-8999 series for CTE Courses Retired – old State course codes in 4000-5999 series for CTE Courses New – All common core math courses are updated with a low grade of 6th to 5th. New – Non-Classroom/Assignment Code 6027 (Non-Instructional Teacher Librarian) - File Format - SENR Modified – SENR file type has two new data elements now: Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator Seal of Biliteracy Indicator Here we will discuss the changes for this year and their impact. Check CP Code Sets (v9.1) document for details and update local SIS as necessary October 17, 2017 CIM,

Summary of 2017-18 Changes Functionality Change Validation Modified – Severity Change (Warning to Fatal) for: SENR0262 - Invalid age for Kindergarten (KN) student SENR0302 – If student has a Secondary Enrollment Status Code (20) then Student Exit Reason must be null or = E170 (Secondary Enrollment Exit) SPRG0264 - Invalid Grade Level for TK Program (grade level must = KN) Disabled – SPRG0263 - Invalid age for Transitional Kindergarten Participant Modified - SENR005 (F) - to correctly trigger logic to capture enrollment associated with NPS schools no longer certified by CDE New - SENR0315 (F) - This validation requires that a student’s school completion status must be “100” (Graduated, Standard HS Diploma) if the Golden Seal Merit Diploma = Y New - SENR0316 (F) - This validation requires that a student’s school completion status must be “100” (Graduated, Standard HS Diploma) if the Seal of Biliteracy = Y New - SENR0319 (F) – This validation triggers to prevent use of AD Grade Level at K-12 schools and grades K-12 in Adult Education Centers Here we will discuss the changes for this year and their impact. October 17, 2017 CIM,

Summary of 2017-18 Changes Functionality Change Certification Modified - CERT119 (F) – Severity changed from warning to fatal - Student Age Not Valid for Kindergarten. Disabled Select Trend Warnings for 2017-18 Reports Modified – Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator, Seal of Biliteracy Indicator, and CTE Completers were added to reports 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, and 8.1a Modified – Reports 2.1 and 2.2 to include PS in default selected values Anomalies Modified - Foster status is retained after a MID merge Modified – DC records included in MID Merge process Here we will discuss the changes for this year and their impact. October 17, 2017 CIM,

Summary of 2017-18 Changes Functionality Change Documentation Modified – Update Appendix C of Data Guide for Valid Completion Status/Exit Code for Grade Level AD Modified - Definition of Field 1.32 "District of Geographic Residence Code" to remove language regarding students in Licensed Children's Institutions (LCIs) DC Modified - The DC process is now going to include Reduced Meal program eligibility (status = R and M) qualified under MediCAL for all LEAs statewide. Direct Certification - The DC process was previously modified to include Reduced Meal program eligibility (status = M) qualified under MediCAL for the 14 LEAs particpiating in the MediCAL Pilot Proram. As of July 2017, the MediCAL data will be available to use statewide to all LEAs. This modification changes the process to display this information for all LEAs and the the system will no longer need to check against an overlapping enrollment. October 17, 2017 CIM,

Summary of Changes and Impact Plan accordingly for Thanksgiving break The revision frequency will be based on server load and other factors ODS Reports may not match snapshot reports – use local report to reconcile October 17, 2017 CIM,

File Submission Status There are now two additional file statuses to let you know what state a file is in due to the snapshot changes this Fall. Two new columns related to this change have also been added to the view submission status screen. {Read thru the file statuses on the slide…} File Status Definition Revision in Progress Posted records are being extracted and in process of generating the Snapshot reports Revision Complete New snapshot reports generated successfully October 17, 2017 CIM,

Snapshots: Revision Status Definition Revised Uncertified Most recent revision that has not been certified. In Review Uncertified Revision flagged by the LEA to be kept. Newer revisions may exist. Certified LEA has approved snapshot revision as complete and accurate. Decertified LEA chose to remove its certification. Most recent decertified revision will be kept. Snapshot revisions have an additional status to let you know what state that particular revision is in. Revised Uncertified is typically the first status you will see and just means that your snapshot has been updated but not certified. If you decide to mark a snapshot revision to be kept, the revision’s status will change to In Review Uncertified. Once you decide that your snapshot revision’s data is complete and correct you should certify the snapshot revision. If you certify a snapshot revision its status will change to Certified. If you decide that further changes need to be made to a snapshot after certifying it, you will need to decertify the snapshot revision. If you do, its status will change to Decertified. October 17, 2017 CIM,

Certification Warnings Fall 1 No data LEAs will need to do their own analysis against prior year submissions Graduates (among last year’s 12th graders) (CERT015) Dropouts (in a school with grades 9-12) (CERT018) FRPM (CERT027 or CERT028) GATE (CERT033) Special Ed (CERT012 or CERT057) Title I Part C Migrant (CERT058) Title III Eligible Immigrates (CERT042 or CERT043) Significant changes in school School LEA Enrollment (CERT006) X Enrollment by grade (CERT007) Enrollment by race/ethnicity (CERT008) Graduate % (CERT0016) Graduate % (UC/CSU requirements met) (CERT017) Dropouts and dropout rate (CERT020 CERT021) LEP and LEP %(CERT023 CERT024) ELs / FEPs / RFEPs (CERT035, CERT038, CERT039) FEP proportion (CERT037) FRPM (CERT029, CERT030) Gate (CERT031, CERT032) Special Ed (CERT013, CERT009) Title I Part C Migrant (CERT059) Title III Eligible Immigrants (CERT044, CERT045) Conflicting numbers More Graduates than prior year 12th Graders (CERT014) Invalid records Normally it is also important to review your certification warnings in addition to the certification errors. The aggregates which were checked last year are listed here for your reference. It is recommended that your LEA manually review the related counts and records to ensure they do not have these discrepancies. For example, your LEA should compare it’s previous year enrollment counts to the current year counts to make sure any discrepancies are intended. FRPM (CERT107) Questionable proportions Over 25% of students in school are in Special Ed (CERT010) Over 25% of students in LEA are in Special Ed (CERT011) October 17, 2017 CIM,

CALPADS Data Used in Indicators Source: California School Dashboard Technical Guide 2016-17 School Year October 17, 2017 CIM,

Certification deadline Important Fall 1 Dates Census Day Oct. 4 Certification deadline December 15 Amendment deadline January 26 CALPADS Calendar: October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall - 1 Suggested Milestones Now – 10/4 Complete Fall 1 data population in local SIS Now – 10/20 Upload SENR, SELA, and SPRG files. Review validation errors and reconcile as needed (SINF optional) Post SENR, SPRG, SELA & SINF files 10/23 – 11/3 Resolve anomalies, resolve certification errors, review certification reports and update records if necessary 11/6 – 11/17 Send reports to site leaders for approval 11/20 – 12/1 Certify Fall-1 (level 1 & level 2) 12/4 – 12/15 October 17, 2017 CIM,

Submission Strategies Fall Certification Errors and Reports Resolve fatal errors first Review and reconcile aggregate reports Start with 1.1 or 1.5 Refer to Report Mapping Guide Manually check trend edits Use supporting reports to assist in reconciliation Fix local data and re-upload as needed Minimize use of Online Maintenance October 17, 2017 CIM,

Submission Strategies Why meet the Fall 1 deadline? Initial certification data used in P1 apportionment calculations Preview Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) County Office of Education reviews LEA’s Certified Reports Avoid CDE letter to Superintendent Poised to succeed with Fall 2 Preliminary Accountability reports Eligible for Data Management Recognition Be a kind and courteous neighbor October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 2 Changes Reminders Fall 2 snapshot refreshes begin December 20 Many Course State Group code changes – consult Code Set document October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 2 - Reporting School Librarians LEAs are reminded to report School Librarians: In Staff Job Classification (Field 8.13) as a “Teacher” (Code: 12) or “Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher” (Code: 27); and Assigned to State Course Code “(Teacher Librarian) Information and Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship” (Code 6026) Non-Classroom Based Assignment use (Code 6027) Pull out and classroom-based info literacy classes should be reported Administrator (code 10) in non-classroom based assignment = 0139 if they have a Administrative Services and Library Science Credential Assigning Teacher Librarians to a Staff Job Classification other than “teacher” will result in an inaccurate count of teacher librarians October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 2 - Reporting School Librarians Assigning Teacher Librarians to a Staff Job Classification other than “teacher” will result in an inaccurate count of teacher librarians * Student course enrollment records (SCSE) required for students taking library course ** Student course enrollment records (SCSE) optional October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 2 - Reporting School Librarians Assigning Teacher Librarians to a Staff Job Classification other than “teacher” will result in an inaccurate count of teacher librarians *District-Level staff would be reported in the same manner. October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 2 – English Learner Services Ensure all core academic courses in which English Learners (ELs) are enrolled have a coded value in EL Services field (9.20 – Education Service Code) Even courses which provide NO SERVICES must explicitly be coded as such LEAs with EL students enrolled in courses and reported as not providing services may be subject to monitoring Review Report 2.4, Column “No English Learner Services Reported” – Check for accuracy if there are counts in this column October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 2 – English Learner Services LEAs are reminded that: Counseling and tutoring do not qualify as EL instructional services Special Education students who are English Learners must receive EL instructional services in accordance with their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) LEAs should not assume that appropriate services are being provided based simply on teachers’ credentials or authorizations October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 2 – CTE Course Code LEAs with CTE pathways should work with CTE program staff to map local courses into the new state course codes October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall 2 High Profile Validations CERT104 - Course Section Missing Education Service Code CERT081 – No Course Section Data for a Secondarily or Short Term Enrolled Student CERT046 - Staff FTE sum > 200% or <5% CERT005 – Student Course Section for SSID Not Enrolled on Census Day October 17, 2017 CIM,

Fall - 2 Suggested Milestones Now – 12/28 Complete Fall 2 data population in local SIS 1/3/18 – 1/19/18 Upload SDEM, SASS, CRSE, SCSE files. Review validation errors and reconcile as needed Post SDEM, SASS, CRSE, SCSE files 1/22/18 – 2/2/18 Resolve certification errors, review certification reports and update records if necessary 2/5/18 – 2/16/18 Send reports to site leaders for approval 2/12/18 - 2/16/18 Certify Fall-2 (level 1 & level 2) 2/19/18 – 2/23/18 October 17, 2017 CIM,

Submission Strategies Fall 2 Certification Strategies Complete Fall 1 Submit and post Staff Demographics Submit and post Staff Assignments Submit and post Course Section Submit and post Student Course Section 2 1 3 4 5 October 17, 2017 CIM,

Certification Warnings Disabled LEAs will need to do their own analysis against prior year submissions No data Administrator Staff Assignment Missing (CERT050) Significant changes in school Conflicting numbers School LEA Administrator FTE (CERT026) X English Learners (CERT035) Number of Teachers Providing EL Svcs (CERT036) Percentage Change in Number of ELs Receiving Education Services (CERT065) Pupil Services FTE (CERT080) Teachers FTE (CERT025) Not Enough Course Sections to = FTE (CERT070) Invalid records Staff FTE % (CERT105) Normally it is also important to review your certification warnings. However, the certification warnings have been temporarily disabled. It is recommended that your LEA manually review the related counts and records to ensure they do not have these discrepancies. For example, your LEA should compare it’s previous year enrollment counts to the current year counts to make sure any discrepancies are intended. Each subgroup is mapped to the certification warning that did not get implemented this year and LEAs can reference the error list to get more information on them. Questionable proportions Enrollment Count for a Course Section Exceeds Expectations (CERT062) Total FTE to Total Staff ratio is greater than 1.25 or less than .75 (CERT108) October 17, 2017 CIM,

General Submission Strategies Set Up Accounts Submit Data Reconcile Review/ Certify County Level Review October 17, 2017 CIM,

Submission Strategies 2017 2018 September 10/4 10/23 11/20 12/15 12/20 2/12 2/23 Fall 1 Populate local data Census Day Upload data Review reports Fall 1 due Fall 2 Populate local data Census Day Upload data Review reports Fall 2 due October 17, 2017 CIM,

CALPADS Recognitions Recognition Program Counts: Training Recognition, recognizing those who complete the nine core CALPADS trainings 2013-14 Cohort = 96 2014-15 Cohort = 296 2015-16 Cohort = 389 2016-17 Cohort = 194 Data Management Recognition, recognizing LEAs that certify on time and maintain quality data 2013-14 Cohort = 1,719 2014-15 Cohort = 1,463 2015-16 Cohort = 1,681 2016-17 Cohort = 1,783 October 17, 2017 CIM,

Snapshot Revision Backlog Fall 1 Submission Snapshot Revision Backlog October 4 November 13 December 2 Submission Window October 17, 2017 CIM,

Expedite Support Response Time Support Tips Expedite Support Response Time Reference Known Issues Advise site users to contact LEA Admin Configure Security Questions Use email or web form Include Job ID, SSID*, SEID, Error Number *Do not include personally identifiable information; the SSID is sufficient October 17, 2017 CIM,

Training Opportunities Support Tips Training Opportunities Basic courses Advanced courses Assorted Topics – Documentation Guide Self-Paced Training Modules Create a CSIS/FCMAT account to register for training October 17, 2017 CIM,

Support Tips New Training Courses Guide to Troubleshooting CALPADS Errors October 17, 2017 CIM,

Support Tips Resources Release Updates and Known Issues Error List (available from “Help”) Flash Updates Data Guide Self-Paced Training Modules Mini Tutorial Clips Glossary (User Guide) FAQs October 17, 2017 CIM,

Please complete our survey!AjeKRgqTRmf5cdDb00MvNrD9n0Y Please complete our survey October 17, 2017 CIM,

Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS Next Meeting Martha Friedrich Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS October 17, 2017 CIM, 91

Next Meeting April 17, 2018 WebEx from Sacramento 92 October 17, 2017 CIM, 92