KS 1 SATs Information Session 2017
Introduction Your year 2 child will be taking the national curriculum tests (SATs) in May 2017. The tests will provide information about how your child is progressing, compared to children the same age nationally. They are not qualifications; the results are used to ensure that schools are teaching their pupils the essential knowledge and skills in the subjects that are the early building blocks. This is to ensure every child reaches their full potential. What matters most is that for your child in year 2, these tests form just one part of the overall assessment, and schools are able to use the results to help them decide how best to support your child.
2014 – 2016 changes Last year there were changes to the tests at both key stages. The tests are now based on the new national curriculum, which your child has been taught since September 2014. The changes to the curriculum were primarily to increase the aspirations for children at Primary school and to remove the previous assessment system which had become ineffective as a tool for raising standards
We have timetabled the tests to take place during the What is tested? When? There are 5 tests: An arithmetic test to check your child’s ability in basic mathematics. A mathematical reasoning test An optional test of grammar, punctuation and a separate spelling test which schools may choose to administer to inform teacher assessment of your child’s ability in writing. Two reading tests The tests will be administered during May at a time which can be determined by the school. They are not strictly timed tests. Most pupils will be unaware they are taking them as teachers will incorporate them into everyday classroom practice. We have timetabled the tests to take place during the week beginning May 15th.
Teacher Assessment Teacher assessment is an essential part of reporting children’s attainment and progress to parents. Teachers use the key stage 1 test results to help them to reach an overall judgement of the standards children have reached in English reading and mathematics. There is no writing test, writing assessment is arrived at by teacher assessment only. This assessment is based on our knowledge of a child’s writing over time and is judged against a set of national criteria. We moderate our judgements as a school, within our cluster of schools and at a LA level. This ensures that our assessment is accurate. You will also receive a teacher assessment judgement for science, but there is no science test.
Scoring the test How are the tests marked? Your child’s teacher will mark their test papers, and the results will be reported using what’s known as a scaled score, where a score of 100 means a child is working at the standard expected of them. A score below 100 indicates that a child needs more support and a score of 100 or above suggests a child is working at or above expectations for their age. The maximum score possible is 115, and the minimum is 85. Children achieving a score above 110 are judged to be working at Greater Depth this is still considered alongside teacher assessment, as such test scores must support/reflect that judgement and will not be considered in isolation; they will use the tests as one piece of evidence to make their judgements. Schools do not publish the test results, and they are not sent to the government. You won’t receive your child’s results from the school, but if you’d like to see them you’re free to ask for them from the school.
Feedback to parents What you will receive from your school After your child’s teacher has considered your child’s work across years 1 and 2, as well as their scores on the tests, they will make their assessment. The school will then provide a report on what your child has achieved in mathematics, English reading, English writing and science, and you will receive this report by the end of the summer term. When making their decisions, teachers will think about what your child can do against the national standards, that is how other children are performing across the country. The report from the school will tell you whether your child is performing at the expected standard for their age in maths, English reading and English writing or whether they need some more support to achieve it.
What is your role? You do not need to prepare your children for the tests. Your child’s teacher will ensure your child is prepared. Continue to support your child at home in exactly the same way; passport maths, reading regularly, homework tasks.
Find out more… Further information You can visit www.gov.uk/STA for more details. You can find more information about scaled score and the key stage 1 tests at www.gov.uk/guidance/scaled-scores. Information for parents: 2016 national curriculum tests at the end of key stages 1 and 2 Information for parents: 2016 national curriculum test results at the end of key stage 1