Wood Measurement Seminar Riga October 23:th 2008 Jānis Buļs Managing Director, VMF Latvia SIA “VMF Latvia today”
Fact about VMF Latvia Year when established – 1998 Owners - Latvijas Kokmaterialu Izmerisanas un Uzskaites Vadiba Ltd. / VMF Obera 50% / 50% Personnel – 48 persons (2008) Turnover – 2007 – 677 th. Ls Approx. 14 measurement places Measurement volume – 2007 – 2,9 million scm
Association of Latvian Timber Sellers Association of Latvian Timber VMF Qbera Association of Latvian Timber Sellers Association of Latvian Timber buyers 50% 50% Management of Latvian wood measuring and accounting, Ltd. 50% 50% SIA VMF Latvia
Structure of LVF Latvia Ltd. Member of the Board (Laboratory Director)* Wood measurement section - Chief of Wood measurement section Accounting section Chief of accountancy section Accounting Specialist (1 employee) Quality Control section Chief of quality Control section (Quality Director)* Check measurement Specialist (1 employee) Assistant to Check Measurement Specialist (1 employee) Technical Director * holding of more than one office
VMF Latvia measured volumes, 2002 - 2007
Measurement rules and methods VMR LVS 2003 GOST Agreement between the parties Methods Stacked measurement Individual measurement Methods to improve measurement precision Collective method Correction of timber volume Volume correction for supplier
Principles for improvement of measurement precision Personnel training Measurement equipment (control system, compliance with international standards on measurement units) Precise description of each operation Selective measurement Volume calculation and stock-taking software (VMF Agent, Logs, VMF Agent warehouse) External measurement control Since August 2003 VRM - Since January 2006 LATAK ISO 17025 according to 82:2003 -T-296
Activity Measurement service Measurement supporting functions Sawlogs Audit Participation in researches and working groups developing measurement rules Pulpwood Pulpwood Control measurement Fuelwood Measurement equipment testing Pulpchips Personal teaching Growing trees Consultations
VMF Latvia vision Company have to be the leading (service, volume, technology, people) company in Latvia in the wood measurement market.
VMF Latvia advantage high competence in the field of activity operating quality system and measurement methods educated and good staff strong quality securing system connection with VMF Qbera and experience in wood measurement developed IT solutions and connection with VIOL flexible and mobile job organization all biggest wood trading companies more or less is our customers
Thank you for attention