Improving Energy Efficiency in Africa Xianli Zhu Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency Kigali, 30 June 2016 African Carbon Forum 2016
About the speakers Dr Xianli Zhu: Senior Economist, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, UDP. Coordinator for C2E2 work in Africa, study on High Impact Opportunities for EE improvement in China, and communication focal point Andrew Hibberd: Senior researcher and leader of the EE group at the Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town. Andrew is with the Measurement and Verification team at ERC but is also active in commercial and industrial energy surveys and consulting work. Dr Daniel Schroth: the coordinator of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Africa Hub hosted by the AfDB in partnership with the AU, NEPAD and UNDP. Daniel also coordinates the Africa Climate Technology and Finance Center project, AfDB's engagement in the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund and the Secretariat to the African Energy Leaders Group. Dr Rose Mutiso: Energy Access Policy Fellow, Office of International Climate Change Policy and Technology at U.S. Department of Energy. She works on the Efficiency for Access (E4A) Coalition, a global campaign to harness the game-changing power of energy efficiency to drive universal access to enhanced energy services beyond lighting by 2030.
Schedule of the side event Lunch break: 13:00 - 14:30 Side Event: 13:00 - 14:10, discussions can continue over lunch after 14:10 Presentations Xianli Zhu: About SE4All, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, and our work on EE, specially EE in Africa Andrew Hibberd: Accelerating Energy Efficiency in Africa - Opportunities and Initatives Dr Daniel Schroth: EE supporting activities of SE4All African Hub and AfDB Dr. Rose Mutiso: Efficienc Efficiency for Access (E4A) Coalition work supporting EE in Africa Discussions
Achieving Sustainable Energy for All by 2030 Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) One Goal: Achieving Sustainable Energy for All by 2030 Three Objectives:
Starting Point for SE4All Goals Proxy indicator Universal access to modern energy services Doubling global rate of improvement of energy efficiency Doubling share of renewable energy in global energy mix Percentage of population with electricity access Percentage of population with primary reliance on non-solid fuels Rate of improvement in energy intensity Renewable energy share in TFEC 1990 76 47 –1.3 16.6 2010 83 59 18.0 2030 100 –2.6 36.0 The market for energy efficiency investments is very large – estimated between USD 310 - 360 billion in 2012 USD 1-1.2 trillion in investment is required each year until 2050 5
Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency - the EE hub of SE4All Launched in September 2013 6
There are barriers and Policies are needed… Cross-cutting Sectoral Buildings Transport Industry
Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency International Organisations e.g. UNEP, IEA, IRENA Development Banks e.g. World Bank, ADB, IADB, EBRD Regional Partners e.g. UN Reg Comm, Cenef, AIT National Governments Other Stakeholders e.g. Private Sector, Universities, IFIs SE4All Global EE Accelerator Platform Capacity building in target countries Private sector engagement (including PPP) Key Focus Areas Championing EE and SE4ALL objective 8
C2E2 Activities Regional and National Level Implementation Global analysis and engagement with Emerging Economies A global modelling study to illustrate different technical and policy pathways to achieve the SE4All goal. High impact opportunities- India and China studies Regional and National Level Implementation Regional studies, good practices and success stories Various workshops, webinars, seminars Country action support Knowledge Management Platform Providing one-stock access to database, tools, best practices, guidebooks, EE expertize, E-learning etc. Hosting the Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform Secretariat Private sector engagement and energy efficiency investment promotion
Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Appliances & Equipment Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform Lighting Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Appliances & Equipment Buildings District Energy Global market transformation to efficient lighting Improve the fuel economy capacity of the global car fleet Promote sustainable building policies & practices worldwide Support national & municipal governments to develop or scale-up district energy systems Industry Implementing Energy Management Systems, technologies & practices Global market transformation to efficient appliances & equipment
Energy Efficiency Knowledge Management System
Selected C2E2 Publications
Neccesity for EE in Africa - cook stoves In many African countries, electricity is expensive than even developed countries Inddoor and outdoor pollution from energy use Higher EE means same electricity for more services and more people
C2E2 supports to EE in Africa Capacity building on EE potential assessment, polices, good practices through webinars and various workshops and seminars Support to country work on energy efficiency, currently under discussion with Uganda and Tanzania Support concrete actions through the EE accelerators Regional Study on EE opportunities and initatives in Africa For more info: