Comparing Microbial Diversity of Oak Island Intact and Restored Salt Marshes Tips for Making a Poster in PowerPoint 1. Keep the file size as it is – 36 (high) x 44 (wide) inches 2. Use no smaller than 28-point font for main sections of text, figure/table font can be slightly smaller 3. Use color sparingly and only light colors 4. Insert text boxes for text 5. Copy and paste pictures and graphs (use high resolution – recommended 300 dpi) 6. Save items from the internet to your computer, then copy and paste to the poster 7. Check your poster for typos 8. Have a friend check your poster for typos 9. Have your professor check your poster for typos 10. Save your poster as a ppt file and a pdf file Andrew Bergen, Nicole Dubov, Elijah Leaston Joshua Aguirre, Christopher A. Lynum, Jennifer Bowen University of Massachusetts Boston, Biology Department Introduction Results and Discussion Results and Discussion (cont.) Salt marshes are an underrepresented area of nature that have been abused and ignored for too long. Up until recently, salt marsh restoration has not occurred. Salt marshes have the ability to protect the microbial communities that embody them “The relationship between microbial diversity and function in soil is largely unknown, but biodiversity has been assumed to influence ecosystem stability, productivity and resilience towards stress and disturbance”6. Our research focused on the microbial life and community composition of the salt marshes, specifically the two marshes that make up the Oak Island Marsh (Intact and Restored). We hypothesized that the microbial diversity would be greater in the Oak Island Intact Marsh than the Oak Island Restored Marsh because the restored marsh was given allowance for new growth. The Shannon Diversity Index compares species richness and evenness amongst a community. Given the standard deviation, there is no difference in microbial diversity between the intact and restored marshes. However, this metric does not compare the function of the microbes present and how they affect the health of the marsh. Figure 7. Bacterial Similarities Between the Biodiversity of Intact and Restored Marshes Figure 3: Standard Deviation of microbial diversity within Intact and Restored oak island marsh This figure shows that there is a clear distinction between the similarity of the bacteria in the restored and intact marshes. All of the bacteria from the restored marsh are more similar to each other than any of the bacteria in the intact marsh. This suggests that the conditions and health of each marsh are significantly different. Site Description Conclusion The area of the Oak Island Intact salt marsh that was sampled spanned from the commuter rail tracks at the bottom to the stream at the top. The area was generally grassy, with occasional pockets of mud which occur more frequently towards the stream. Based on the Shannon Diversity, there is no difference in the microbial diversity of the intact and restored salt marshes. Despite this, figure 7 shows that the bacteria in the intact marshes are more related to each other than any of the bacteria in the restored marsh. There are differences in the microbial community composition of the salt marshes. The intact marsh has larger concentrations of Alphaproteobacteria (AP) and Gammaproteobacteria (GP) while the restored marsh had more Deltaproteobacteria (DP) ,Cyanobacteria (CB) and Bacteroidia (BT). In the future, more than one intact and restored marsh would be sampled to determine if these differences occur in all marshes of just the Oak Island ones. Also, samples would be analyzed from all of the quadrats in the marsh to get a more accurate picture of the diversity and community composition of the marshes. Figure 1. Oak Island Intact Salt Marsh The area of the oak island restored salt marsh that was sampled was nearly devoid of vegetation. The transects were located in a large, muddy areas with essentially no plant life present. Figure 4: Microbial Community composition at the phylum level. Color Name of Bacteria Intact Mean % Restored Mean % Light Blue Deltaproteobacteria (DP) 20.29 25.07 Gray Alphaproteobacteria (AP) 13.96 6.35 Dark Blue Cyanobacteria (CB) 3.450 13.10 Orange Gammaproteobacteria (GP) 23.92 14.38 Yellow Bacteroidia (BT) 5.57 11.89 Figure 2. Oak Island Restored Salt Marsh References Methods Figure 5: Mean Percentages of Bacteria in the Microbial Community Distribution Boundless. (2015) “Alphaproteobacteria” Boundless Microbiology. Retrieved from Boundless. (2015) “Bacteroidetes and Chlorobi.” Boundless Microbiology. Retrieved from Boundless. (2015) “Deltaproteobacteria” Boundless Microbiology. Retrieved from Boundless. (2015) “Gammaproteobacteria” Boundless Microbiology. Retrieved from Speer, B.R. (1995). “Cyanobacteria: Life History and Ecology”. UMCH Berkley. Retrieved from Torsvik, V., Ovreas, L. Microbial Diversity and Function in Soil: from Genes to Ecosystems. (2002). Sediments were collected along three transects at the intact marsh and four transects at the restored marsh Quadrat sampling was conducted at four points along each transect on both sides of the line to collect samples DNA was extracted using the MoBio - PowerSoil® DNA Isolation kit The DNA was PCR amplified and gel purified using the QIAGEN – QIAQuick Gel Extraction Kit protocol The purified DNA was sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq® platform The raw data were analyzed using Primer v. 5.2.6 Name Aerobic of Anaerobic? Respiratory Pathways Interaction with Chemicals DP Anaerobic3 Molecular hydrogen and organic compounds3 “Sulfur- reducing bacteria”3 produces hydrogen sulfide from sulfate AP Aerobic1 Photoautotroph1 Nitrogen fixation from Rhizobium1 CB Anaerobic5 Photoautotroph5 Fix atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and methane5 GP Obligate Anaerobe4 Photoautotroph4 Oxidizes hydrogen sulfide and methane4 BT Anaerobic2 Photolithotroph2 Unknown Objective Acknowledgements The objective of our research was to determine the difference in microbial biodiversity and community composition between the Oak Island intact and restored marshes. We thank the National Science Foundation Grant #135049 to Jennifer Bowen for your support and FUNding. We also thank Jen, Chris, and Josh for teaching us and welcoming us to the world of microbial diversity. Y’all the real MVPs. The Freshman Success Community program is supported in part by the Sanofi Genzyme and Oracle Education Foundation grants to the College of Science and Mathematics. Figure 6: Microorganism Characteristics