Official Current Version of DoDAF DoDAF-DM2 Websites Official Current Version of DoDAF Working Group site Workgroup info Working and archived versions of DoDAF References and Research folders DM2 Tools CM Process Info Change Request submission DoDAF Journal DoDAF Meetings briefings Tutorial material Background Best practices papers OPS DAS SE CPM JCIDS PPBE OPS DAS SE CPM JCIDS PPBE Capabilities Services Performers Resource Flows Rules Reification Projects Pedigree Locations Process Views Data Ontology FFP Legacy DM2 Conceptual Data Model Any of the above can have Measures Condition Guidance is-performable-under Rule Activity Capability constrains requires-ability-to-perform Standard Agreement has consumes-and-produces is-realized-by is-part-of is-performed-by Project achieves-desired-effect (a state of a resource) is-the-goal-of Resource Not shown but implied by the IDEAS Foundation: Everything is 4-D and so has temporal parts, i.e., states Everything has parts Everything has subtypes describes-something Information Performer Materiel Data is-at System Organization Location GeoPolitical Service PersonRole
DoD EA Community of Interest: Sharing needs, standards, and tools OPS DAS SE CPM JCIDS PPBE Why share EA data? Across For reuse Downward To bootstrap a refinement Upward To integrate and analyze -- otherwise it’s “wet” information fusion and custom analysis DoD EA Data Exchange Standard Specialty: XMI Specialty: JACAE Federal: OMB Cross-Agency Allied NATO Coalition Specialty: TBD Specialty: CUDEAM Specialty: BPMN Specialty: SA Encyclopedia Specialty: others Specialty: Archimate