UNDAF Roadmap Example - Cambodia


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Presentation transcript:

UNDAF Roadmap Example - Cambodia USG PSG CCA Comparative analysis Planning workshop - vision, priority themes CCA - Causal analysis, fact sheets HRBA & RBM training Gender main streaming training CCA final presentation to UNCT Submission to PSG UNDAF score card - Gender Comparative advantage – DP (round table), stakeholders (focus groups), Government (dialogue) Dec 2008 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 May – Aug 09 Comparative Advantage UNCT Strategic Planning workshop + adhoc UNCT meeting Results Matrix M&E framework Working groups UNDAF Narrative Validation Session Joint Annual UNDAF Review With Govt Signing August 2009 Sep – Nov 09 December –Jan 2009 January 2010 UNSSC Consultant This slide represents the main milestones (or steps) of a much more detailed road map which was used as a key planning tool during the UNDAF roll out. Roll out of the road map was managed by the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in collaboration with a UNDAF Steering Group (interagency) reporting to the RC/UNCT. The triangles represent where either UNSSC, independent consultant, PSG interventions took place along the time line. Short explanation per step. Step A first draft road map was drafted. The primary purpose of the first draft was to present to the UNCT the main milestones and their timing. In addition, we included in this draft the key decision points the UNCT had already made regarding the process (1. establishment of the UNDAF Steering Group, 2. confirming the CCA would be a complimentary analysis 3. confirming the new UNDAF planning cycle regarding its alignment with national planning cycle). The UNDAF Steering Group (adjusted from an existing Interagency UNDAF monitoring group) deputy level or equivalent was formed and oriented to the roadmap and their revised TOR focused on roll out of the UNDAF 2011-2015. The Peer Support Group/QSA convening agency rep was contacted and oriented to the road map where we discuss with them where we saw the main points of intervention. We also took this opportunity to confirm the time needed by the PSG to respond to CCA and UNDAF documentation for quality assessment. (support docs – No.1 Road map and decision points; USG TOR) -The CCA process was kicked off in April. A dedicated CCA consultant was hired. The CCA process was set up to have two phases 1. the causal analysis and preparation of fact sheets in key areas of the UN’s work. (support docs – CCA consultant TOR) -A Planning workshop. A one day workshop for the UN involving UN heads of agencies, USG members and the UN coordination team, plus the CCA consultant. The priority of the workshop was to: present the CCA causal analysis and fact sheet information; develop a vision; identify priority themes and determine key cross cutting issues, to guide final structuring and drafting of the CCA document. Note, we were required to reinforce many many times, that the priority themes identified at this stage where NOT preempting the UNDAF outcomes but were to support final presentation of priority information within the CCA. (supporting doc: one page summary sheet from planning workshop – priority themes and cross cutting issues; programme and annotated agenda of Planning workshop; PPT of presentation of CCA causal analysis). With the support of the UNSSC HRBA and RBM training took place. Primary participants where the USG and government counterparts across a range of line ministries. In collaboration with in country Gender expertise and UNIFEM gender mainstreaming training was conducted through the existing Joint UN Learning Programme coordinated by the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator. (support docs: training materials) -The CCA consultant presented an overview of the final CCA complete with causal analysis. The UNCT at this stage discussed the final details of presenting sensitive issues within a public document. The CCA was prepared as final draft on this basis and submitted to the PSG for quality assessment. Prep for presentation and discussion with Government was also finalised. (support docs: final CCA; PPT on presentation of the final draft CCA) -the UNCT undertook UNDAF (2006-2010) assessment using the gender score card. The process looked at the 2006-2010 UNDAF and how Gender could be integrated more fully in future UNDAF 2011-2015. Recommendations from this process positively influenced stronger gender considerations within the UNDAF planning process, UNDAF documentation and programming. In 2010 the UNCT in Cambodia will take steps to establish a Gender Advisor in the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator to support the UN system as a whole, and updating of existing UN coordination mechanisms to ensure stronger inter agency coordination around gender and joint UN focus on gender. From May to August consultations focused on facilitating dialogue around the UN’s comparative advantage where rolled out. (To be discussed in more detail later in the presentation) The main aim of this process was to increase stakeholder dialogue (and therefore UN’s access to a range of contemporary views on the UN priori to the strategic planning workshop) and to ensure summary priorities as seen by the stakeholders to support next planning steps. In addition this phase of dialogue was a means to orientate stakeholders to update understanding of the UN and the UN in Cambodia prior to their participation in the Strategic Planning Workshop – ensuring greater collaboration, greater comfort between partners and more focused discussion and conclusions. (supporting docs: detailed summary reports from each stakeholder dialogue; introduction PPTs used at focus group sessions; PPT presentation to UNCT summary conclusions). At the end of this step the comparative advantage summary was presented to the UNCT. Purpose being to provide them an overview and to focus the UNCT’s thoughts prior to their own comparative advantage discussions scheduled to take place just prior to the Strategic Planning workshop. (supporting docs: PPT summary presented to UNCT) -The UNCT’s own dedicated session on comparative advantage. This session was facilitated by one of the three UNSSC facilitators as it was scheduled to take place on the days just prior to the Strategic Planning Workshop. IN Cambodia non resident agencies are automatically included in these dialogues as part of the UNCT. This dialogue proved critical in providing a UN only space for focused discussion on comparative advantage and a means to strengthen some common understandings within the country team prior to going into the Strategic Planning Workshop where the UNCT would be engaging and working with high level Government prepresentatives; key stakeholders. (supporting doc: Introductory PPT used to focus and facilitate discussion) -Strategic Planning Workshop – 3 day retreat facilitated by the UNSSC, our PSG representative participating along with UN delegates; UN Youth Advisory Panel members; Senior and technical representatives of Government; NGOs -an additional adhoc meeting of the UNCT took place immediately after the workshop to resolve outstanding issues that could not be finalised at the workshop related to clear conclusions on confirmed UNDAF outcomes. UNSSC colleagues were still in town and participated in the first half of the meeting to support facilitation of the discussion. (supporting docs: Strategic Planning workshop programme; supporting PPTs) -The development of the Results Matrix and M&E framework kick started. First step was to establish time bound UNDAF outcome working groups. These were co chaired by a Head of Agency (member of UNCT) and a senior representative of Govt. working group members were members of the USG plus any additional technical expertise needed. We made sure USG members with M&E expertise were spread across the 5 working groups to ensure some M&E knowledge and guidance within the working group when it came to drafting the Results Matrix and M&E frameworks. At the end of this process a short term independent M&E consultant was brought on board to bring the 5 Results Matrices and M&E frameworks together and to review, edit and adjust them to consolidate all as one consistent framework. The USG oversaw the work of this consultant. Whilst the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator managed the contract. The consultant worked intensively to review all working group documentation but also took the time to work through each draft framework with individual working group representatives to ensure they understood the context in which the frameworks were developed (why entries where there) and to provide immediate feedback on their professional observations on how to improve and strengthen their first staff. (support docs: technical notes on outcomes, outputs, indicators etc; RM and M&E framework proforma (prepared by UNRCO; TOR M&E consultant) -drafting of the narrative commenced. An independent consultant was hired. They were provided with all resource materials necessary. The Results Matrix, M&E Framework and Narrative submitted to the PSG. Following negotiation of timing with Government, these documents were also submitted to Government for their internal discussion and formal comment back to the UN. (support docs: TOR UNDAF narrative consultant) -The validation workshop was a half day formal presentation and dialogue with Government on the near finalised UNDAF documents. In preparation for this workshop formal agendas were set and formal invitations issued. The USG, in advance, also went through both the PSG and Govt comments on the draft UNDAF documents to adjust, accept or highlight for more dialogue. The USG advised the UNCT there based on all comments received there were only 9 outstanding issues for discussion with Govt, where the UN system did not agree with the changes requested of Govt. These 9 issues formed the basis of the final validation discussion with government. Because UN Cambodia already has an annual cycle of joint UNDAF review in place, and to reduce transaction costs on Govt the annual UNDAF review session on 2009 results was wrapped into this session as well and proved to be a valuable lead in to focus on the draft 2011-2015 UNDAF. To resolve the final 9 issues with the matrices the formal validation session agreed to a follow up adhoc session with UN agencies, RC Office and Ministry of Health to discuss and agree on alternative indicators to either replace or support those proposed in the draft. Our PSG member participated in the validation session. (supporting docs: agenda for session; PPT of UNCT) -10 days later and following the adhoc meeting above the UNDAF documents were finalised and submitted finally to Govt for preparation of formal signing. The UNRCO in collaboration with Govt ensured high level representation both from UN and Govt at the formal signing which was presided over by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economy and Finance.