Agenda/Objectives Continue applications with age level and theory Explore cognitive strategies Collaboration with peers Research task exploration with topics for next week teachers tonight….Lisa M – calf pump
clips Chips – class management, desire to teach, consequences/outcomes Boyz in the hood -
Freud Psychoanalysis… Sexual – pleasure principle Penis envy Id, ego, superego Cheating…. Drunken driver Unprotected, premarital sex with a stranger
Alfred Adler Will to power and potty training Power struggles Harry Stack Sullivan and significant others
Conversation teams Emergent curriculum – Andy, Lana and Denise Culture – Jake, Lisa R and Vincent Gender bias - Brandi, Tiffany, Diane same sex classroom - Scott, Lisa M and Emily Get URLs and youtubes to review…..
T shirt Draw shirt Cue and prompt till we get to John Locke Tabula Rasa Link to classification taxonomy Kings Play Chess On Fine Glass Stools.
mnemonics Acronymn Acrostics HOMES Kings Play Chess On Fine Glass Stools Mother Visits Every Morning Just Stays Until Noon Period Never Eat Soggy Waffles
Eight parts of speech Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Pronoun Conjunction Preposition Interjection http://www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/partsp.html
Planning time On theorists Be sure to annotate the Theorists for you review later in the semester Glasser, Piaget, Erikson, Freud, Goleman,
Virtual Observations Vygotsky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9KDH8sHhtM&feature=related (4 min, social constructivism link to Piaget) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwWrR1YQqN8&feature=related (2 min, define ZPD and scaffolding) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLi-vJSNP6U&feature=related (8 min, amusing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBhQu_-_trE&feature=related (6 min, math lesson model on differentiation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPl8OSCX_f8&feature=related (2 min, explanation for high school differentiation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se6a9Q_37t4&feature=related (6 min, scaffolding described)
Theorists Reality check
Materials Dist Morris Rosenberg Self-esteem Piaget….stages….. Curiosity is the single most permanent characteristic of the active and vigorous mind. Samuel Johnson
Brain Gym Emily will do hook ups
To do Chapter 5 Insights 5 Strategies 5 Research for teams and fishbowl discussion