Which of the following is a advantage of reproducing asexually? Offspring are identical to the parents Offspring are genetically different to the parents Organisms are able to reproduce more You must find a mate to reproduce
Which of the following is NOT an example of asexual reproduction A sea sponge breaks off a piece of its body and the new piece becomes a separate sea sponge. E.coli undergoes a cell division to create two identical cells. A female zebra fish lays eggs in the water and the male fertilizes them with its sperm cells. Coral develops a growth off its main body and this new growth becomes a separate coral individual.
This unicellular organism is reproducing asexually by what method?
This is an example of what type of asexual reproduction?
The process in which the nucleus divides into two and each nuclei receives a copy of the original chromosomes is called __________. Mitosis
DNA Protein 46
Interphase, Mitosis, & Cytokinesis
G1 S G2
Spindle Centrioles Centriole Nuclear Membrane chromosome
Metaphase Equator Spindle Fiber
chromatids poles
Telophase nucleus Nuclear Membranes
Cytoplasm 46 Plate Cell Wall
D. Meiosis – mitosis occurs again to produce egg or sperm cells (gametes- cells with half of genetic information)
Meiosis is the division of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells in which each cell receives half a set of genetic information. Meiosis results in the production of egg or sperm cells. Half the number of chromosomes = haploid cells or sex cells