* 07/16/96 LIONS INFORMATION SESSION 2017-18 International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal *


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Presentation transcript:

* 07/16/96 LIONS INFORMATION SESSION 2017-18 International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal *

District N2 GLT Coordinator Leadership PCST Lion Bob Lyle PCC Kingston Lions club “INVOCATION”

Introductions QUESTIONS ?? 1. What club are you from … 2. Is this your first Orientation Session? 3. How long have you been a Lion? 3. Who encouraged you to come ?? THANK YOU for your input!

The following is what we will cover… Orientation Session Overview The following is what we will cover…

LIONS INFORMATION SESSION AGENDA * 07/16/96 LIONS INFORMATION SESSION AGENDA History of Lionism Our District & MD Leaders Leo Clubs LCI VIDEO … 2. Motto; Slogan; Colors; Emblem 3. Lions International Objects; Code of Ethics; Pledge; Invocation; Lions Toast Grace; Lions Roar P 2-3-4 4. Membership a. Criteria for Membership P 5 b. Proper Procedures P 5 c. Support & Guidance re: Membership HANDOUT d. Membership Categories P 5-6 GMT Global Membership GLT Global Leadership Team Global Service Team *

c. Zone – Note your District Directory d. Regional – N/A * 07/16/96 5. Structure of Lionism P 6 Individual Lion P 6 Club Level P 6 c. Zone – Note your District Directory d. Regional – N/A e. District Level – Voting Delegates Convention P 6-7 f. Multiple District Level P 7 g. Constitutional Areas P 8 h. Lions Clubs International Level P 8 6. Attendance Make-up Rules P 8 7. Dues a. International P 9 b. Multiple District P 9 c. District P 9 *

12. History of Lions Quest P 14 - 15 13. Camp Lion Maxwell P 15 * 07/16/96 Lions Publications P 9 a. Lion Magazine b. N Former c. NS Lion 6 Issues 9. Important Tid Bits P 9 - 10 10. Useful Websites P 9 10 11. Our Foundations P 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 a. Lions Clubs International Foundation ( LCIF VIDEO … ) b. Lions Foundation of Canada (LFC) c. Lions Foundation District N-2 12. History of Lions Quest P 14 - 15 13. Camp Lion Maxwell P 15 14. Quiz and Correction of Same. *

History of Lionism 1 1917 Chicago, Melvin Jones 1920 Windsor, Ontario * 07/16/96 History of Lionism 1 1917 Chicago, Melvin Jones 1920 Windsor, Ontario 1925 Helen Keller 1945 Halifax, Nova Scotia 1983 Lions Quest 1987 Women in Lionism 1991 Campaign Sight First 2002 Clubs formed on Mainland China 2005 Campaign Sight First II 2007 New MD N created 2009 Digby & Area Club Chartered 2011 Springhill Lions Club 2011 2017 Dalhousie Lions club QUESTIONS ?? *

Some Interesting Statistics LCI A Very Large Organization 1 * 07/16/96 Some Interesting Statistics LCI A Very Large Organization 1 Over 1.4 million Lions as of 4 September 2017 210 Countries & Geographic Areas Over 46,000 clubs About 300,000 women in Lionism About 140,000 Leo's District N-2 has about 1763 Lions District N-2 has 70 clubs & 1 Branch club Weymouth QUESTIONS ?? *

Our Leaders 1 International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal * 07/16/96 Our Leaders 1 International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal MD N Council Chairman Brenan Beaumont MD N CST Brenda Billard District Governor Rhonda Trickett 1ST VDG Perry Oliver 2ND VDG Debbie McGinley N-2 CST Lion John Macfie PDG QUESTIONS ?? *

2017-18 International President Dr 2017-18 International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal Life Member of Batala Smile Lions Club Punjab India

2016-17 MD N Council Chairperson Lion Brenan Beaumont Lower Cloverdale, NB, E1J 1A3

MD N Council Secretary Treasurer 1 Lion Brenda Billard Milford Lions Club

District Governor N2 1 Lion Rhonda Trickett Eastern Passage Cow Bay

1st Vice District Governor N2 Lion Perry Oliver Sackville Lions Club 1

2nd Vice District Governor N2 Lion Debbie McGinley Milford Lions Club 1

District N2 Cabinet Secretary Lion John Macfie Lake Echo Lions Club 1

USA/CANADA Lions Leadership Forum Lions Bob & Barbara with IP Barry P

CC Lion Stewart MacDonald & PCC Lion Bob Lyle at the USA/Canada Forum 1

LEO Clubs 1 Leadership, Experience, Opportunity. Age 12-18 and 18-28. * 07/16/96 LEO Clubs 1 Leadership, Experience, Opportunity. Age 12-18 and 18-28. Coach Jim Gravner 1957. Became a LCI program in 1969. Over 140,000 Leo's in over 5,400 clubs in 130 countries around the world. N2 had 34 LEO Clubs at one time. We now have 5 LEO Clubs. QUESTIONS?? ( LCI VIDEO … ) *

Motto, Colors, Emblem & Slogan * 07/16/96 Motto, Colors, Emblem & Slogan Motto: “WE SERVE” (1954) 2 Colors: “PURPLE & GOLD” (1917) Slogan: “Liberty, Intelligence, our Nation’s Safety” (1919) Emblem: “Gold “L” on a color background, two Lions facing in different directions. (1919) QUESTIONS ?? *

Colors Signify 2 Purple Strength Courage Dedication * 07/16/96 Colors Signify 2 Purple Strength Courage Dedication Loyalty to country, friends and self. Integrity of mind and heart Gold Sincerity of purpose Liberality in judgment Purity in life Generosity in mind, heart and purse towards mankind *

* 07/16/96 Our Lions Crest 2 P 2 *

* 07/16/96 LIONS Objects 3 P 2-3 To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world. To promote the principles of good government and citizenship. To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. To unite the clubs in the bond of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding. *

* 07/16/96 To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by members. To encourage service minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry and private endeavors. 3 P 2-3 *

create encourage promote provide take unite * 07/16/96 create encourage promote provide take unite To __________ and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world. To ______________ the principle of good government and good citizenship. To ________ an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. To __________ the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding. To ______________ a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members. To ______________ service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavors. *

create encourage promote provide take unite * create encourage promote provide take unite 07/16/96 create To __________ and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world. To __________ the principle of good government and good citizenship. To ________ an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. To __________ the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding. To ______________ a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members. To ______________ service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavors. promote take unite provide encourage *

* LIONS Code of Ethics 3 P 3 07/16/96 To show my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of service. To seek success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part. To remember that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another’s. *

Code of Ethics, Cont’d: 3 P3 * 07/16/96 Code of Ethics, Cont’d: 3 P3 To be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself. Whenever a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubts against myself. To hold friendship as an end, not a means; to hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one another, but that true friendship demands nothing, but accepts service in the spirit it is given. *

Code of Ethics, Cont’d: 3 P3 * 07/16/96 Code of Ethics, Cont’d: 3 P3 Always to bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, province and community, and to give them my unswerving loyalty in word, act and deed, to give them freely of my time, labor and means. To aid others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak and my substance to the needy. To be careful with my criticism and liberal with my praise, to build up and not destroy. *

LION’S Pledge 3 P 4 I pledge allegiance to my country, * 07/16/96 LION’S Pledge 3 P 4 I pledge allegiance to my country, and to the cause of peace throughout the world I believe in the principles of Lionism as contained in the Code of Ethics I am proud to be a Lion dedicated to the service of others. *

LION’S Invocation 3 P 4 Where Lions meet, be present Lord. * 07/16/96 LION’S Invocation 3 P 4 Where Lions meet, be present Lord. To weld our hearts in one accord. To do thy will lord make us strong. To help the weak and right the wrong. *

LION’S Toast 3 P 4 Never above you. Never beneath you. * 07/16/96 LION’S Toast 3 P 4 Never above you. Never beneath you. Always with you. *

Grace 3 P 4 O Lord, thy blessings now let fall upon thy Lions as they call. May all our ties of friendship be forever strengthened Lord by Thee

Lions Roar 3 P 4 Don’t you hear those Lions roar? You can hear them roaring every week, As they feed and growl for more. Don’t you hear those Lions roar .. Their snarling rumbling roar .. So roar Lions! Bite em, bite em, bite em! Don’t you hear those Lions, hear those Lions, Hear those Lions Roar.

CRITERIA FOR MEMBERSHIP 4 P 5 1. Age of Majority 2. Good Moral Character 3. Good Reputation in one’s Community

Proper Procedure for New Members 4 P 5 1. Application completed by Sponsor. 2. Screened by the Membership committee. 3. Recommendation to the Board. 4. Decision of the Board of Directors. 5. Prospective Member invited to join. QUESTIONS ??

Role of the Membership Committee 4 HANDOUT Member of the Board of Directors Screen prospective new members Works with Retention Committee Encouragement to bring in New Quality Members Resource Guide: “Club Membership Chairman’s Guide” ME 44-EN listed on the LCI Website QUESTIONS ??

Membership Categories 4 P 5-6 Review on page 5-6 of your booklet… Active Member-at-Large Honorary Privileged Life Member Associate Affiliate

* 07/16/96 Membership 4 Global Membership Team. *

GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP TEAM 4 MD Coordinator PDG Reg House District N2 Coordinator Lion Bill Bruhm Members: Wayne Sears Roger Carver Steve Butler 1st VDG Perry Oliver

Membership & Growth Position 4 Membership growth & new clubs come together Focuses on forming new clubs & growing existing ones Membership growth & new clubs come together Focuses on forming new clubs & growing existing ones

GMT Coordinator Position 4 Is responsible for the overall operation of the team in cooperation with the Global Leadership Team and the District Governor’s Team. A member of the MD N GMT

GLT Global Leadership Team 4 MD N Coordinator: PCC Stewart MacDonald District N2 Coordinator: PCST Lion Bob Lyle PCC A member of the MD N GMT Members: Lion Bill Bruhm Lion Sharon Rafuse Lion Paul Burgess 2nd VDG Lion Debbie McGinley Consultant: PDG Lion Charlie Uhlman Main Objective: Training QUESTIONS ??

GST Global Service Team Chairman Lion Peter Reid PCC Committee Lion Barry Lumsden Lion Jane Gregory MD GST Lion Heather MacDonald PURPOSE the Global Action Team (GAT) will be bringing the Global Leadership Team (GLT), the Global Membership Team (GMT) and the Global Service Team (GST) together, creating a unified approach to our three areas of service, Leadership, Membership and Service.

Structure of Lionism 5 P 6-7-8 * 07/16/96 Structure of Lionism 5 P 6-7-8 Individual Lion Club Zone - Directory Region N/A District Multiple District Constitutional Areas Lions Clubs International QUESTIONS ?? *

Club Board of Directors 5 P 6 Past President President 3 Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer QUESTIONS ?? Tail Twister (optional) Lion Tamer (optional) Membership Chair 1 year Directors 2 year Directors

Zone Advisory Committee 5 * 07/16/96 Zone Advisory Committee 5 Zone Chairman Club Presidents Club Secretaries This committee meets at least three times each year. These are the only voting officers at a zone meeting QUESTIONS ?? *

District Cabinet Voting Delegates 5 P6-7 * 07/16/96 District Cabinet Voting Delegates 5 P6-7 Past District Governors District Governor Vice District Governors(1st & 2nd) Cabinet Secretary Treasurer Zone Chairmen District Chairmen Club presidents Club Secretaries *

Convention Voting Delegates 5 P 6 7 * 07/16/96 Convention Voting Delegates 5 P 6 7 District and Multiple District Conventions: One voting delegate per 10 members or major portion (5 or more) per club plus PDG’s. QUESTIONS ?? *

MD N Sub-Districts Organization 5 P 7 * 07/16/96 MULTIPLE DISTRICT MD N Sub-Districts Organization 5 P 7 N-1 New Brunswick, PEI & 3 clubs in Maine N-2 Nova Scotia N-3 Western Nfld & Labrador N-4 Eastern Newfoundland Council of Governor’s Council Chair Lion Brenan Beaumont CST Lion Brenda Billard 4 sitting Governors – note District Directory *

Seven Constitutional Areas 5 P 8 * 07/16/96 Seven Constitutional Areas 5 P 8 USA & Affiliates, Bermuda, Bahamas Canada South & Central America, Mexico Europe Orient & South East Asia India, South Asia, Africa, Middle East Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific *

International Board 5 P 8 Immediate Past President (LCIF chair) * 07/16/96 International Board 5 P 8 Immediate Past President (LCIF chair) President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 33 International Directors Appointees *

Attendance Make-up Rules 6 P 8 13 days before or after a missed meeting. Regular/special meeting of another club. Director’s meeting of own club. Committee meeting of home club. Project or activity of home club. Zone meeting or activity. Cabinet meeting or convention. Visit to international headquarters. QUESTIONS ??

YOUR DISTRICT DUES 7 P 9 District Dues: Billed by the CST 1st July & 1st Jan Admin $5.50 Ed. & Training $1.75 NS Lion $4.50 Activities $1.00 Booster Fund $1.50 TOTAL $14.25 QUESTIONS ??

YOUR MD N DUES 7 P 9 Multiple District Dues QUESTIONS ?? Admin Fund $2.75 Conv. Fund $0.55 Promotion Fund $0.20 Activities Fund $0.25 ED. & Training $1.75 TOTAL $5.50 QUESTIONS ??

International Dues 7 P 9 QUESTIONS ?? $43.00(US) Lion Magazine $06.88 Liability Insurance $00.43 Convention Fund $06.02 DG & DG(E) Expenses $06.02 Program Support $16.34 LCI Headquarters $04.73 Int. Officers & Board $02.58 TOTAL $43.00 QUESTIONS ??

Lions Publications 8 P 9 Lion magazine - 11 issues per year. 22 different languages. N Former twice per year on the MD N website Nova Scotia Lion: 6 issues per year. Editor is Lion Tracey Carocci. QUESTIONS ??

Important Tid Bits 9 P 9 10 The Lions year is July 1 - June 30. Clubs must have two different accounts. Any Lion may attend a Director’s meeting. LCI Headquarters: Oak Brook, Illinois. Clubs can have their own constitution. A Lion can transfer to any club in the world (approval of receiving club directors).

Useful Websites 10 P 10 Lions Clubs international: www.lionsclubs.org Lions Foundation of Canada www.dogguides.com Lions Quest Canada) www.lionsquest.ca Please see the learning center on www.lionsclubs.org. NOTES: Pg 10 Club Presidents connection & Lions Learning Centre

Our Foundations 11 P10,11,12,13,14 Lions Foundation Nova Scotia N-2: Humanitarian service projects in NS. Lions Foundation of Canada. Major program is providing dog guides. Lions Clubs International Foundation. Main thrust: Campaign Sight First, disaster and humanitarian projects. QUESTIONS ?? LCIF VIDEO …

History of Lions Quest 12 P 14 15 Partnership with Quest International 1983 Life Skills Program Kids from Primary to Grade 12 Lions Quest Canada phone 1-800-265-2680 Web site: www.lionsquest.ca QUESTIONS ??

Camp Lion Maxwell 13 P 15 QUESTIONS ?? Sponsored by Lions of Nova Scotia Named in honor of the late Lion Peter Maxwell PCST Located a few miles from New Germany Great camping experience for Children with Diabetes Youth establish confidence & a sense of Security Learn to manage their disease Develop a positive outlook on life Lions are invited every year to attend a fun & educational afternoon QUESTIONS ??

Brigadoon Brigadoon Village offers twelve camps designed to accommodate a specific chronic illness, condition, or special need. The first campers arrived at Brigadoon Village on August 27th 2011. District N2 Project - $250,000.00 For more information go to their website at Brigadoonvillage.org

* 07/16/96 “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU have completed our Information/Orientation session for District N2 2017-18 *



* 07/16/96 *