high-performant bug protection
Don’t give bedbugs a chance Bedbugs are parasitic insects that feed exclusively on blood. Their name derives from the preferred habitat of bedbugs: warm houses and especially nearby or inside beds, bedding or other sleep areas. Bedbugs can cause severe skin rashes and other allergic symptoms. Their bites may lead to various health issues, ranging from no visible effects to prominent skin blisters.
Mattresses made from fabrics treated with BugShield are better protected against bedbugs. BugShield eradicates bedbugs that live or hide in the mattress fabric. Test results show 100% mortality rate, with a minimum of 90% after maximum 72 hours. The technology also effectively reduces bedmite infestation.
High performance protection against bedbugs Bugshield is an OEKO-TEX 100 certified technology and is guaranteed skin-safe. BugShield resists 10 washes at 40°C.