GREEN BUILDING CONCEPTS Presentation by, suryateja_a
WHY GREEN BUILDINGS ? Existing classical model of architecture. The change that is required. Self sustenance of “MOTHER EARTH”. Problems faced by humanity.
INTRODUCING THE CONCEPT Definition [1][2] Purpose Classification LEED Classification [3] IGBC Classification
CONCEPT INDICES [7] Green index Daily energy-saving index Water resources index Biodiversity index CO2 reduction index Waste reduction index Base water index Sewage and trash improvement index Interior index
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IMPLEMENTED Sustainable site design Water quality and conservation Energy and environment Indoor Environmental quality Materials and Resources
SUITABLE SITE DESIGN [8] Minimize urban sprawl. Analyze environmental assets. Minimize site disturbances. Regenerate valuable habitat. Maximum use of space. Reduce urban heat island effect. Provide natural ambience.
WATER QUALITY AND CONSERVATION [8] Preserve and maintain water cycle. Retention of storm water and recharging of groundwater. Maximize the recycling of water. Establish a water budget for the building. Harvest, process and recycle and recycle water in all possible ways.
ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT [8] Minimize adverse effects on environment. Increase the effective building performance. Maximize the use of renewable energy source. Use energy efficient bulbs like T-8 and T-5 bulbs. Use HVAC – Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Use Energy Star certified energy efficient appliances. Avoid the use of HCFC.
INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY [8] Healthy and a comfortable environment. Best indoor air quality, ventilation and thermal comfort. Use materials that do not harbor or generate gaseous contaminants like volatile organic compounds. Maximize the use of natural day lighting. Smoke free building is the best!!
MATERIALS AND RESOURCES [8] Minimize the use of non renewable energy sources. Bio based materials should be preferred. Straw, wheat, barley and other agro board materials can be used in the stead of bio based materials. Proven engineering materials like trusses, structural systems and composite materials to be used.
STATISTICS Improvement in statistics from 2001 till date [8]
INFOSYS BUILDING [9] KEY FEATURES Water efficiency Energy efficiency Day Lighting Effective material selection and management
AVANI RESIDENCY [10] Oldest green home in India. First platinum rated building. KEY FEATURES: Interiors. Exteriors. Other features.
CONCLUSION The future is looking bright since the evolution of the green buildings. “Go Green” is the slogan which echoes in the hearts of the people. The increase in the number of green buildings revolutionize the architecture field. Continue to satisfy Mother Earth by building more and more green buildings.
REFERENCES Savings/ statistical-studies hyderabad.pdf
OUR GOAL….!!!! To perform a case study on how much energy the college will consume with the college changing into a green building.