Mobile RFID Topics in Internet 2005. 10. 31 JinKyu, Yoo ( Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Contents Introduction Mobile RFID Market Trend Considerations Conclusion Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Introduction Ubiquitous computing Human-centric Context-aware Sensing and processing 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Introduction (cont’d) Sensing and processing Recognize the changes from the outside Convert to the five senses to electric signal Indispensable condition Small size Low cost Low power consumption Academic area Things that think, Oxygen, Smartdust Business area RFID 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) Main components Tags and Reader Tags Size (Hitachi’s "µ-chip": 0.4mm x 0.4mm) Price (aim: the "5-Cent-tag") Active <=> Passive Reader Read the contents of tags 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory How RFID works RFID Reader Activation Signal RFID Tag ID Data ID Contents Server Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Contents Introduction Mobile RFID Market Trend Considerations Conclusion Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Background of Mobile RFID Topics on today's technologies Convergence and Mobility 르네상스 Combine RFID with mobile phone to realize new valuable services Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Concept of Mobile RFID 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Kinds of Mobile RFID Mobile phone + RFID tag Stationary reader and mobile tag Easy and inexpensive solution for mobile users High cost for installation and Privacy issue Mobile phone + RFID reader Stationary tag and mobile reader A user can get ID from any objects and get contents by accessing data servers Less concern about privacy High cost mobile phone 르네상스 Photo: Philips Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Mobile RFID Service The general tendency is Mobile phone + RFID reader 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Mobile RFID Service (cont’d) 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Contents Introduction Mobile RFID Market Trend Considerations Conclusion Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory NOKIA Mobile RFID 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory KDDI Mobile RFID 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory PHILIPS NFC 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Contents Introduction Mobile RFID Market Trend Considerations Conclusion Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Considerations Privacy and Security Authority of reading Economical efficiency Lower cost, smaller size Standardization Common RF specs. ID Management Interoperability between platforms Photo: CASPIAN 르네상스 Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Contents Introduction Mobile RFID Market Trend Considerations Conclusion Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory Conclusion Mobile phones + RFID => Great potential Field trials: Search for "Killer application" Efforts on standardization,security considerations, etc. required to make RFID commonly accepted and widely spread Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory