General Education Committee Report/Update to Senate End of Fall 2016 General Education Committee members: William Ashbaugh , Thomas Beal , Mary Lynn Bensen , Gwen Crane , Alejandra Escudero , Hugh Gallagher , Sallie Han, Roger Hecht , Matthew Hendley , Andrew Kahl , Zanna McKay , Charles Maples, Rhea Nowak, James Ruffo, , Elizabeth Seale, , Renee B. Walker, Bianca Tredennick, Special request to assist with AWR, Eileen Morgan-Zayachek- AVP Admin Connection, Suzanne Black –GEAC Connection Frameworks Still working on soliciting feedback before presentation to Senate early in Spring 2017 please respond Second Level Writing Experience/Advanced Writing Requirement Being sent to departments by end of semester Curricular Approval Pathways Working with College Curriculum Committee- coming soon to a Senate near you College Writing Exam Working with College Curriculum Committee Questionnaire sent to your departments
Gen Ed Framework Revision Draft 11.03.16 Making Connections is drawing comparisons, making associations, recognizing patterns, and exploring similarities and differences among diverse experiences, ideas, and modes of thought (current or historic) in order to contextualize and transfer learning. Problem Solving is the use of analytical, critical, and creative thinking to grapple with complex, open-ended questions, overcome obstacles, or achieve desired goals.