Act IV “Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.”—Witches, 4.1.10–1 “Something wicked this way comes.” – Witches – then enters Macbeth – prophesy/foreshadowing? Macbeth goes to weird sisters and demands to be shown apparitions of the future 1. disembodied head of a warrior who warns Macbeth of Macduff’s revenge 2. blood-covered child who cannot be killed by any man “ of woman born” 3. a child carrying a tree promises Macbeth cannot lose in battle until Birnam wood moves to Dunsinane
Macbeth asks about Banquo’s sons and sees a procession of Banquo and future kings He become angry and curses the witches Macduff has fled to England and Macbeth announces revenge of Macduff’s wife and children “I’ll make assurance double sure.”—Macbeth, 4.1.93
Lady Macduff feels Macduff has acted dishonestly Son says the world is full of dishonest men Murderers stab MacDuff’s son (on stage) and pursue Lady Macduff offstage
Lady Macduff feels Macduff has acted dishonestly Son says the world is full of dishonest men Son is smart and courageous Murderers stab MacDuff’s son (on stage) and pursue Lady Macduff offstage
Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty - says he would be a great tyrant - reverse psychology Macduff still hates Macbeth - Malcolm has gotten what he wants Macduff’s loyalty Ross tells him of the slaughter of wife and child - Macduff vows revenge