National Implementation of CSIS Core Fonctions Tshencho Dorji Sr. Hydromet Officer National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology Bhutan WMO International Workshop on CSIS Operations & Coordination, Nanjing, China, 21-24 March 2017
Current Status of Climate Services At present the NCHM provides the following climate services: 1. Weather forecast information up to 3 days General public –Weather Outlook Agriculture & Disaster- Forecast extreme weather events 2. Seasonal Outlooks General Public Disaster, Agriculture, Hydro-power ,Health, Planning and Service Sectors 3. Quality controlled and Analysed climate data to different users Numerous sectors: Example, Educational institutes, Agriculture, Hydro-power
Requirements in Climate Services Capacity building and models required for Medium Range Forecasting and Extended Range Forecasting Capacity building in climate modelling and climate projection Continued support for National Climate Outlook Forums (NCOFs) Capacity building in data assimilation
Data Requirements Global data: WMO lead centres, NOAA, TCC, etc. Regional data: CORDEX, forecast products and data from RCCs, National data: Climate data of Bhutan Sector data: socio-economic related
Requirement of Global and Regional Products/Services Global Centres : Easy Access to forecast information (weather & climate) and data – Daily, seasonal and decadal Regional Centres: Climate Variability and Change, Proxy climate data, forecast information (weather and climate)
Institutional Capacity NCHM was upgraded to an autonomous agency in September 2016: Core mandates: Provide quality, accurate, reliable, usable, location-specific and timely services to reduce risks and to optimize benefit in the following areas: Create value and enhance societal benefits from hydro met resources for sustainable development; Protect life, livelihood and infrastructures from hydro met hazards Safeguard the environment Ensure continuity of hydro met monitoring and observations Promote endogenous capacity building Meet international commitments and contribute to international cooperation
Institutional Strengths : Bestowed with more administrative powers in planning and decision making In process of strengthening observational network and infrastructures Improved manpower compared to previous years Institutional Weakness: Still new agency compared to other NHMS Infrastructure and capacity building is donor dependent
Infrastructural Capacity Climate data and Climate Monitoring: Good number computing systems in place Centralized database in the process of development Good number of observational network (160 stations –including AWS and manual climate stations) Climate Prediction and Climate Projection: Lacks infrastructure and professional capacity
Staff Capacity At present NCHM has 152 staff : Technicians (includes field observers)-113 Professionals-24 Administrative -15 World Bhutan Professional 45% 16% Technician 74% Administrative 10% Education Level High School 50% 80% Bachelor’s Degree 30% 15% Advanced Degree 20% 5% Employees/1000 1-20 4 Funding source Government appropriations 25% Commercial/cost recovery 14% External project support 6% 75% Source: ugyen 2016
General Expectations From CSIS Climate Monitoring Aspects: Provision of information on global and regional climate monitoring useful improving climate monitoring aspects at national level Climate Prediction Aspects: Provision of global and regional information and data; transfer of technology and knowledge Climate Projection Aspects: Provision of global and regional information and data; transfer of technology and knowledge User Engagement Aspects: Transfer of knowledge and skill at global and regional level with NHMS; Support to regional and national level user based climate forums
Climate Services Toolkit Easy access to different data source and data analysis tools Software tools/packages available will be helpful in analysis and generations of products/services Reduces cost Guidance materials and other documents provide useful information for creation and proper management climate products and services
Thank you!