Weekly Administrator Meeting August 16, 2017 Research Administration Jim Geddes, Vice Dean for Research Susan Stark, Manager, SRAS
Upcoming Meeting Schedule Third Wednesday of Each Month August 16 September 20 October 18
SRAS Staff Updates Drew Speer, Senior GPS Amy Smither, Grant Analyst Associate
Research-related Updates Z4 Payroll JV Process – Trainings on August 21 and 22 Sign up via myUK ESS https://www.uky.edu/ufs/quick-reference-guides
Research-related Updates Enrichment --COM SRAS GPS provides guidance per the VPR’s site, “How Enrichment Splits Should be Calculated” http://www.research.uky.edu/vpresearch/guide/enrichment_calculation.html --Campus-wide spreadsheet shared with colleagues for those faculty with regular, recurring enrichment splits
Research-related updates Responding to emails from Research Financial Services (formerly Sponsored Projects Accounting): expectation of 5 day limit
Recent NIH Notices of Interest Highlighted in the Weekly Research Update NOT-OD-17-095, limit on hours of work in addition to trainee assignment https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-17-095.html NOT-OD-17-084, new pre-doc stipend of $23,844 for FY2017 https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-17-084.html
Questions? SRAS Website: https://research.med.uky.edu/research-administration-ibu SRAS Staff Contact Information: https://research.med.uky.edu/sras-contact-information
Research Investment Program Implementation Team
University of Kentucky Team Members (to date) University of Kentucky Dr. Jim Geddes Dr. Douglas A. Andres Dr. Alan Daugherty Dr. Xianglin Shi Dr. Susan Smyth Dr. Mark V Williams Christy Anderson Brad Kidd/Anne Wray Research Space Mgmt Dr. Becky Dutch Darin Cecil Ann Emmerson Clinical Trials Dr. Phil Kern Gabe Harris Susan Stark Huron Matthew Faris Deborah Biggs Quinton Kelly Eric Tomasini Erin Pennington 12 12 © 2017 HURON CONSULTING GROUP INC. AND AFFILIATES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Next Steps Circulate Current State Info to Impl. Team Gather Data Perform Interviews Document Current State Circulate Current State Info to Impl. Team 13 13 DRAFT © 2017 HURON CONSULTING GROUP INC. AND AFFILIATES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Research Space Management and Research-Related Overhead Overview: Develop the process and policy and structure to support the management of research space. Additionally, identify other opportunities to decrease the institutional support of research-related expenses. Approach: Create business case for change (4 months) Develop approach and lead program steering committees to identify improvement opportunities. Develop current and future state analytics to support project team decision making process. Review the occupancy plan for the new research building and alignment to the development of the F&A cost rate proposal. Implement agreed upon recommendations (4 months) Update policy and processes, which could include the following: Changing the space management governance structure and process. Changing research dollar density targets. Developing management space review process and management actions for not meeting established targets. Developing space cost funding model. Work with UK to develop a communications plan. Identify and design management reports and metrics. Oversee the development of the management reports and metrics. 14 14 DRAFT © 2017 HURON CONSULTING GROUP INC. AND AFFILIATES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Clinical Trial Revenue Overview: Identify opportunities and actions to improve revenue from industry-funded clinical trials. Approach: Create business case for change (4 months) Develop approach and lead program steering committees to identify improvement opportunities which could include some of the following: Changing the budgeting and negotiation policy. Identifying opportunities to encourage more faculty participate in clinical trials. Identifying opportunities to increase the volume of clinical trials in all UK HSC facilities. Develop current and future state analytics to support project team decision making process. Develop timeline and work plan for improvement opportunities. Implement agreed upon recommendations (3 months) Create or update policies, where required. Work with UK to develop communications plan. Identify and design management reports and metrics. Oversee the development of the management reports and metrics. 15 15 DRAFT © 2017 HURON CONSULTING GROUP INC. AND AFFILIATES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Research centers and programs Overview: Evaluate the current financial and operational performance and the programmatic alignment of the UK COM’s research programs and centers to their strategic goals. Identify management actions to improve current performance and policy changes to guide the creation and ongoing monitoring of research program and center performance. Approach: Create business case for change (4 months) Develop approach and lead program steering committees to identify improvement opportunities which could include some of the following: Identifying research programs and centers for expansion, consolidation, or elimination in the near or mid-term. Changing requirements for creating new or eliminating existing research centers and/or programs. Develop current and future state analytics to support project team decision making process. Develop timeline and work plan for improvement opportunities. Implement agreed upon recommendations (3 months) Create or update policies, where required. Work with UK to develop communications plan. Identify and design management reports and metrics. Oversee the development of the management reports and metrics. 16 16 DRAFT © 2017 HURON CONSULTING GROUP INC. AND AFFILIATES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Research Core Facilities and Shared Equipment Labs Initiative Overview: Implement policy and process changes to reduce institutional subsidization of research core facilities. Approach: Create business case for change (4 months) Develop approach and lead program steering committees to identify improvement opportunities which could include some of the following: Developing internal and external marketing plan and marketing materials for core services; distribute marketing materials to potential core users. Review of the current policy and processes that guide the UK COM’s administration of research core facilities and assessing the institutional compliance with policy. Revise where required. The review areas include policy and processes for the following: Costing and pricing of research core facility services. Establishing and closing a research core facility. Revise guidance for how third parties contract with UK COM’s core facilities. Develop current and future state analytics to support project team decision making process. Develop timeline and work plan for improvement opportunities. Implement agreed upon recommendations (4 months) Update policy and process, where required Work with UK to develop communications plan. Identify and design management reports and metrics. Oversee the development of the management reports and metrics. 17 17 DRAFT © 2017 HURON CONSULTING GROUP INC. AND AFFILIATES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.