by Fritz Szoncsó CERN HSE Cable Controlling by Fritz Szoncsó CERN HSE EATM 15. August 2017 EDMS n.c.
Cable Controlling - BA2/TT20/TCC2/TDC2 has revealed a high number of damaged cables (with varying degree of criticality) - If approved, BDF (PBC) related Civil Engineering work will require cables passing from TT20 to TDC2 to be re-installed (timeline LS3/LS4), thus a complete re-installation during LS2 is not considered the best option - Conclusion from inspection: Several cables are in bad shape and a certain clean-up is required (situation near BA2 is worst, TCC2/TDC2 most critical cables to be confirmed by concerned service and equipment groups) - final conclusions of remaining life-time of cables are hard to take and the so far established analysis (chemical/mechanical tests) is not conclusive in terms of lifetime prediction. EATM 15. August 2017 EDMS n.c.
Cable Controlling - Conclusions on short-term (TT20/TCC2/TDC2 focus): 2nd inspection together with concerned equipment/service groups during the YETS to identify how many cables need urgent replacement in order to ensure a safe and efficient operation until LS3/LS4 – These cables would have to be installed in addition to existing cables (minimizing the work required during LS2) – Commitment from service/equipment groups required on short/mid-term: * Review the situation close to BA2 and evaluate if this could be done (resource-wise) during LS2 * if not, agree on mitigation measures (similar to above) to be put in place in order to ensure operation until LS3 - on mid/long-term: continue the review and improve of the chemical/mechanical test strategy on old (and new) cables EATM 15. August 2017 EDMS n.c.