BY Georgia H. and Morgan k. RACISM IN VANCOuver 1900’s BY Georgia H. and Morgan k.
E) do periods of growth in Vancouver (or Metro Vancouver) cause periods of heightened racism?
First source The gate is symbolizing that the society is blocking out other races but is welcoming white races They favour white people because they are considered “normal” because of their skin color and facial features The other races are not happy about this, as you can see, there is an immigrant trying to get through the gate to the other side
Second source This is an image of an example of an immigration certificate that had to be signed in order for the Chinese to enter canada The certificate shows proof that the Chinese had to pay a price to enter Canada, this was called the “head tax” and it only applied to the chinese This man, “Luan SEW LUM” HAd To pay $500 This was signed on aug. 3, 1912, taking place In victoriA BC
Documents on Chinese immigration Victoria ,BC signed on April 23 1913 Vancouver, BC signed November 6 1918
Conflict over immigration This document shows examples of conflict that took place because of the dissagreeent over Chinese racism and immigration
The Vancouver riots This riot took place on September 7th 1907 Took place through china town and the Japanese section of the city (japan town) It first started as a protest against LieutenantGovernor’s refusal to sign a bill, his refusal to sign the bill excluded Japanese immigrants from entering Canada. The bill would of helped include Chinese immigrants
This is an image of the after look of the riot that took place through china town and japan town As you can see, there was lots of property that was damaged during the riot, windows were broken, glass was scattered everywhere, nothing was stolen but a lot of the stores and buildings belongings were destroyed into peices
Komagata Maru Incident The komagata maru incident took place in Vancouver 1914 The komagata maru was a steamer (a ship) that transported 354 sikh immigrants from hong kong to Vancouver The ship was put in quarantine by canadians so the passengers couldn’t reach their destination to vancouver This happened because it prevented the sihks from entering Canada, they were not wanted in Canada because of their skin color, facial features etc. The sihks abord the ship almost starved to death because they were left with little food for 2 months
This is an image of the 254 sihk immigrants that spent 2 months on the komagata maru steamer while their fate was decided. After the 2 months, they were escorted out of vanvouver harbour and were sent home royal navy cruiser, they never made it into their destination. On may 23 2008, the british Columbia legislator apologized for the komagata maru incident.
Population To prove weather or not racism grows as time goes on, we need to find and compare the population of Canadian Chinese immigrants through out the years vs now. If the population increased throughout the years, then racism rates have decreased. Vise-versa.
Population growth 1900’s (then) 2000’s (now) As you can se we open our doors to every religion and race, and it has grown tremendously.
So, Does racism grow as the years go on? “The same act which excludes Orientals should open wide the portals of British Columbia to white immigration.” August 24, 1907, Saturday sunset magazine, done by N.H. Hawkins
SO, does racism grow as time goes on? Yes, racism does grow as the years go on, though in Canada we don’t think the rates are as extreme if you were to compare us to another country. Canada is known as a peace keeping country and to keep that title, we are also a welcoming country to all races. in 1914, trapping people on a ship for the komagata maru, or Vancouver riots against skin colour and race are no longer taking place here.
The end