Year 5 Topic webs Spring term
Scripture Sacraments Confirmation - the anointing with the oil of chrism where the Bishop says ‘be sealed with the Holy Spirit’. The candidate is ‘set apart’ and called to continue the mission of Jesus. Baptism – called and set apart Christian Beliefs Jesus calls us to follow him. The Church is called to continue the work of Jesus Luke 4: 14-22 God’s Story 3 page 95 Jesus begins his ministry Luke 5: 27-32 God’s Story 3 page 96 – Jesus calls Levi. Luke 8: 1-3 God’s Story 3 page 99 The Women Isaiah 61: 1-2, 10-11 God’s Story 3 page 65 Hymns Follow me God’s Spirit is in my heart Called to change the world – WIF YEAR 5 Local Church - Community MISSION Prayers/Tradition John Henry Newman prayer in ‘Explore’ – ‘I have my mission’ and charities such as the Richmond Fellowship, CAFOD etc. Work of the SVP/Mini Vinnies Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Service – especially of the poor Witness and mission Vocation Experiences, feelings and ideas How does Jesus call Christians to be his special friends and help him in his mission today? How are you called? How does that make you feel? Art/Images/Artefacts
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture Exodus 13:3 Luke 22: 14-20 Sacraments Eucharist - Sign of Peace - Communion Rite Christian Beliefs Eucharist the living memorial of Jesus. Church’s memory: the Last Supper. Eucharistic prayers. Hymns About Communion Holy, holy. Prayers/Tradition Liturgy of the Eucharist Eucharistic Prayer Communion rite Consecration YEAR 5 Eucharist –Relating Memorial sacrifice Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Unity/community Keeping alive the memory of Jesus’ sacrifice Experiences, feelings and ideas Why do some things evoke memories? Why are memories important? How is it possible to keep memories alive? Art/Images/Artefacts Images and depictions of the Last Supper (National gallery website)
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture Matthew 26: 14-26, 20-25 Matthew 28: 1-10 Mark 15: 1-15 Mark 15: 21-41 Luke 4: 1-12 Sacraments Reconciliation Christian Beliefs Reconciliation/Forgiveness/ Conversion/Repentance Hymns For God so loved the world. Amazing Love Prayers/Tradition Self-sacrifice The sacrifice of Jesus Easter/new life YEAR 5 Lent/Easter - Giving Sacrifice Christian Life; Beliefs and Values The Trinity Dignity of the human person Love of neighbour Experiences, feelings and ideas Why are some people so generous in their giving? What does sacrifice mean in daily life? Why do we sometimes refuse to give up? Art/Images/Artefacts Mission Together or CAFOD Lent calendar