National honor society broad run high school chapter Mr. Collin Ray, Adviser & Ms. Mahlet Abdalla, Adviser
The National Honor Society: The National Perspective What is the National Honor Society? The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.
The National Honor Society: What is the Faculty Council? According to the NHS Constitution, the Faculty Council shall consist of five voting faculty members appointed annually by the principal. We have eight anonymous faculty members currently appointed to the Council who make up our governing body. Neither Mr. Ray or Ms. Abdalla have any voting power in the Council.
BRHS National Honor Society: How does a student become a member? Print and complete the application from the Broad Run NHS website. Adhere to the instructions of the application as a key to success. Applications are due on Friday, October 14th! Room 186 – 8:15-8:45 and 3:48-4:20
FOLLOW THE FOUR PILLARS: The National Honor Society: What does a member of the NHS have to do once selected? FOLLOW THE FOUR PILLARS: OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 15 HOURS/SEMESTER Tutoring In club Mixed SERVICE PROJECT Holiday Party Basket Bingo Color Run LEADERSHIP CHARACTER SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP
LEADERSHIP POSITIONS – Elected or Appointed The leadership criterion is considered highly important for membership selection. Leadership roles in both the school and community may be considered, provided they can be verified. Leadership positions include, but are not limited to, the following: Sigma Tau Sigma Mentor Officer of a Club (DECA, Debate, FBLA, Honor Societies, etc) Captain of a sports team SCA Supervisor at job Religious group leader
SERVICE – COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES List all applicable community activities – religious groups, Boys/Girls Scouts, soup kitchen, or other community service activities.
RECOMMENDATION LETTERS Each applicant must submit 3 letters of recommendation. Two from the core subjects (Math, History, Science, English, World Languages) Minimum one additional – other teachers, employers, community leaders, religious leader, etc
ESSAY This is the best way to demonstrate how you exemplify the pillars of NHS! Highlight a sentence that is a key example of each pillar.
The National Honor Society: Student Information Packet Procedure Let's look at the packet itself now, page by page, to ensure that you are filling it out correctly. BE SURE TO ASK AN ADVISER IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY PART OF THE PACKET! COMPLETE IT ALL!
Last but not least…Order of Submission Order of the application and all accompanying documentation is listed in the application on the last page Please pay close attention! Please double/triple-check your information packet. If something is missing, hence incomplete, you will not be considered for acceptance into NHS! Best wishes!
National honor society broad run high school chapter PLEASE SEE US WITH ANY ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS! Thank you for coming! National honor society broad run high school chapter Mr. Collin Ray, Adviser & Ms. Mahlet Abdalla, Adviser