FACULTY PERSONAL PROFILE MANIK DAS Name : Manik Das Date of birth : 01.03.1992 Present Designation : Guest Teacher of Zoology M.R.C Qualification : M.Sc. Telephone : 9851381834 E-mail address : manikdas.bio@gmail.com Educational cronology Exam. Board/University Subject Yr. of passing % of Marks Division Secondary Higher B.sc M.Sc. B.Ed. W.B.B.S.E. W.B.C.H.S.E. Vidyasagar University All School Subject Bio-Science Zoology (Spl. Genetics & Molecular Biology) 2007 2009 2012 2014 2015-Running 72.5 76 65.62 76.83 1st
Project work Published Paper Project work during B.Sc. (2010- 2012) Dissertation work during M.Sc. (2013-2014) Project work during B.Sc. (2014- 2015) Published Paper 1. Nerium odorum bark extract act as Molluscicidal actvity on snail Lymnaea (Radix) Luteola .100th Indian Science congress,EP P- 62. FELLOWSHIP ENJOYED Sl.No. Name YERA Organization Purpose 1. Merit -cum 2014-15 G.W.B. To study M.Sc.
Seminar Workshop Attened Sl. No. Name of seminar Organised by Level Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Global Warming Causes & Effects Biodiversity: Threats & Solution Role of Taxonomy to Conserve Biodiversity Ethology & Existence to Conserve Biodiversity Research Methodology in Higher Education Climate Change, Bioresource & Green Biotechnilogy Save Water And Energy : Save The Society Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya Mahishadal Raj College VURSA Vidyasagar University State Natiional National 02/11/2011 29/02/2012 6th - 7th /03/2012 26-27/03/2012 29/03/2013 12-13/03/2014 27/03/2014
Short Course Other Activity Sl. No. Topic Institute Period Grade 1. Information Technology Application Mahishadal Youth Computer Training Centre April 09-Sept. 09 B+ Other Activity Sl. No. Event Activity Date 1. 2. 3. The Indian Science Congress Annual Sports Competition Of PBC (Teachers’ Training Department) Participation Paper Presentation First in Quiz Contest 3-7/01/2013 06/01/2013 05/03/2016