The Office of Technology Management Lesley Millar-Nicholson, Director Todd Creason, Business Manager January 12, 2016 @ilinnovations
OTM’s Mission: To encourage innovation, enhance research, and facilitate economic development through the effective management, transfer, and commercialization of University inventions
What is Technology Transfer?
U.S. University Tech Transfer Metrics – 2014 Impact of The Bayh-Dole Act U.S. University Tech Transfer Metrics – 2014 $62.8B total research expenditures * U.S. Universities reporting to the 2014 AUTM survey
University of Illinois – 2015 Impact of The Bayh-Dole Act University of Illinois – 2015 $6.2M Licensing Revenue 204 Inventions $622M total research expenditures 76 Issued U.S. Patents 10 Startup Companies 192 Patents Filed * U.S. Universities reporting to the 2014 AUTM survey
Advances based from other Universities
Advances based on U of I faculty research Soft red winter wheat VCSELS (which enable fiber optic communication and more) One of the first email packages Cancer therapeutic HIV therapeutic (UIC) Super sweet corn Touch screens Plasma screens Basis for modern web browsers
Recent Advances based on U of I faculty research
Mobile Apps from U of Illinois Our Rose Garden Provides information about how to plant, prune, and protect roses. Provides information about University Housing Dining Halls, Use this app to request a SafeWalk. A multiple-choice trivia game for children. Local NPR Radion Station Streaming Lets users learn and identify 140 retail cuts of beef, pork & lamb. Puts everything you need to know about Research Park right at your fingertips MRTN/Nitrogen Application Calculator iOS Combines the agronomics of nitrogen-rate research and the realities of economic fluctuations to provide a customized nitrogen rate. Provides over 140 easy recipes that are used to prepare meals for diabetics. Travel Midwest iOS Provides a map of major Midwest metropolitan areas, and includes various reports about travel times, congestion, construction, weather, and cameras. Midwest Ornamental Grasses Helps users choose a stunning ornamental grass that best suits their garden. Diabetes ABCs A visualization for health care providers and educators to use with patients. The University of Illinois Extension's quarterly newsletter about home gardening.
General Services Provided by the OTM’s Business Office Distribution of Royalties and Licensing Income Proceeds Distribution Agreements (PDA’s) The Standard Distribution is 40% to the Creators, 40% to the University, and 20% to the Unit Reports on current and previous royalty payments and distributions Copies of Agreements and PDA’s Help setting up Unit Royalties Accounts
What Unit Business Managers Should Know Types of royalty revenue that need to go through OTM? Any royalties received related to the transfer, license or sale of University owned Intellectual property such as: publishing agreements related to subscriptions to journals or sale of text books and class materials materials including biological materials devices or prototypes software or copyright Check with OTM regarding agreements that relate to University Intellectual Property and from which revenue is being received
Legacy Agreement Issues (1) All royalty and licensing income is managed on behalf of the University by the OTM Increasing vigilance on type of income being received by Units Primarily with checks deposited by units but it includes wire transfers Increasingly, checks that appear to be royalty related or licensing related are being rejected for deposit and units are being referred to OTM In those cases, the monies are deposited by OTM, and OTM works with the units to determine where and how these monies should be distributed
Legacy Agreement Issues (2) Revenue often directly deposited into the unit’s royalties account If a unit doesn’t have a royalties account (200258 Fund Code), one will need to be set up. In some cases, royalty revenues may be subject to sharing rules. OTM Director will work with Unit Heads to determine how those revenues should be shared and to create a Proceeds Distribution Agreement
GENERAL - Who to ask? IP or confidentiality issues related to existing (background) IP – OTM IP or confidentiality related to ‘anticipated’ IP – OSP (first) who may refer to OTM SBIR/STTR – OSP Start Up Company – OTM Don’t know what they said but I think IP was mentioned - OTM Explain what NERF stands for
Resources for You & Your Faculty Office of Technology Management - 2015 Annual Report: Inventor’s handbook: Disclosure forms: Thesis withholding forms: Student Ownership Guidelines; List of programs & resources for entrepreneurs Campus Administrative Manual : Licensing IP Developed at the University of Illinois to Companies affiliated with University Employees - Research Park and EnterpriseWorks: