BRAZILIAN STD/AIDS PROGRAMME: EXPENDITURE ON ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS AND EPIDEMIC INDICATORS DURING THE PERIOD 2004-2008 Aurea AP1, Garcia LP1, de Magalhães LCG1, dos Santos CF1, de Almeida RF1 1Institute of Applied Economic Research, Ipea, Brazil Number of AIDS cases and incidence rate per 100 000 inhabitants Brazil 1980-2008 OBJECTIVE The Brazilian STD/AIDS Programme stands out for ensuring universal and free access to antiretroviral drugs. We estimated the Federal expenditure on antiretroviral drugs of the Brazilian STD/AIDS Programme, during the period 2004-2008, and compared it to epidemic indicators of the Brazilian population. METHODS The expenditure on antiretroviral drugs comes from a data warehouse of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management that stores the information concerning any purchase made by the Brazilian Federal Government. The epidemiological indicators of AIDS are derived from the Brazilian STD/AIDS Programme, which combines data from different national information systems. AIDS incidence (per 100 000 inhabitants) and AIDS-related mortality rate (per 100 000 inhabitants) Brazil 1996-2007 RESULTS The expenditure on antiretroviral drugs rose from US$ 92.665.813,31 in 2004, to US$340.264.119,73, in 2008. In Brazil, from Jan/2004 to Jun/2008, there were 148.852 cases of AIDS reported, which corresponds to an incidence rate of approximately 20 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. In the period from 2004 to 2007 there were 44.381 deaths due to AIDS in Brazil, representing a crude mortality ratio of about 6 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants. INTERPRETATION The use of antiretroviral drugs increases the survival of patients with HIV/AIDS and reduces the mortality rate. Despite the stability of AIDS incidence and mortality coefficients over the analyzed period, the expenditure increased, which can be due to an increase in coverage and range of drugs offered. As the resources are limited, it is important to understand the magnitude of the consumption as well as the mechanisms of purchase in order to improve the supply of antiretroviral drugs. Federal spending on AIDS (in thousand dollars) Brazil 2004-2008 COMPONENT AND HEALTH PROGRAM: AIDS/DRUGS YEAR BIDDING TRANSFERS 2004 57.598,47 35.067,34 2005 293.410,71 71.135,04 2006 269.548,55 77.243,04 2007 208.394,33 80.051,17 2008 255.323,99 84.940,13 TOTAL 1.084.276,05 348.436,73