100% Compliance on Every Call E X A C T C A L L 100% Compliance on Every Call Every contact center that delivers legal disclosures, order summaries, or other required information faces the risk of employees purposefully or unwittingly giving incomplete, outdated information or entirely skipping them. Using ExactCall with existing phone and CRM systems, your agents deliver required information perfectly on every call. Agents are on the line the entire time, providing required information audibly using pre-recorded audio or through an SMS interface. When using pre-recorded audio, agents can start, stop, and replay any portion and may optionally require the customer to confirm their understanding and agreement by entering digits (like the last 4 digits of their SSN) on their phone keypad. When using the SMS interface, customers receive and read required information on their smartphone while the agent receives an acknowledgement when the customer presses “I Agree”. Either way, your contact center immediately reaches 100% compliance. When a disclosure or other required information needs to be updated, the changes are made centrally and “published” to all agents with the click of a button. Your center immediately reaches 100% compliance without further training, chair drops, and compliance monitoring. Legal Disclosures Orders & Reservations Critical Call Details With EXACTCALL, your contact center agents deliver perfect disclosures, order summaries, and other required information on every call. To learn more, contact KomBea today! (801) 610.5800 or sales@kombea.com Learn more at www.kombea.com/exactcall
How ExactCall Works ExactCall Benefits Using your existing phone systems and applications, ExactCall is deployed as a “CRM Plug-In.” Embedded at strategic locations within your CRM, ExactCall opens and enables agents to deliver disclosures, order summaries, and other critical information perfectly on every call – no awkward transfers to an IVR or another department. In the example shown below, the agent clicks the “Disclosure” button in their CRM and ExactCall opens. The agent delivers the disclosure via pre-recorded audio, SMS, or even email. Once the customer hears/reads and agrees, the “Disclosure”” button turns green – to “Agreed” in this example. ExactCall Benefits Enforced – information must be delivered before your CRM will proceed to the next step Accurate – information is consistent, complete, with no accents or personalization Customized – information includes customer data, read directly from the CRM Optimized – information is optimized for speed and understanding Credible – customers know the information comes “from the system” and “from the company” Simple – easy to deploy and use, with no replacement of existing systems (801) 610.5800 or sales@kombea.com Learn more at www.kombea.com/exactcall