Bell Work 1) What is the different between classical and operant conditioning? 2) Explain a time when you saw something and learned from it (could be good or bad).
Today’s topics Operant Conditioning Cognitive Learning Theories Jean Piaget Social and observational learning
Review of Classic Conditioning Examples: Conditioning = Training If you are scared of something what do some people do in order to get over there fear?
I need 2 volunteers We are going to play a game. When you step outside we are going to hide something… When you come back in you need to find it
Operant Conditioning A behavior is learned in connection with a reward or punishment Thorndike: Trial-and-Error Learning… over time you don’t do things that you know wont work Skinners Research: Voluntary reaction…he used reinforcement after a behavior to see if it would be repeated (award/punishment) Conclusions: Any response that is followed by a reinforcing stimulus tends to be repeated
3 things that help learning: What do you think each of these terms has to do with learning? Meaningfulness: Ex: Words that have personal meaning Transfer: Ex: Learning things that work all around the world Chemical Influences: Ex: Caffeine can help but too much hurts causing the loss of learning
Cognitive Learning Theories 1. Jean Piaget theory involved Schema: a pattern that is recognized in experience that helps you explain a situation Example: A child has a dog when they see another animal they will call it dog until they create a new schema… What are some more? 2. Information Processing Approach: Our brain acts like a computer Sensory input association (storage, processing) output
Social or Observational Learning Albert Bandura believes you learn from direct experience and vicarious experience When watching people be aggressive he found that children were learning aggressive behavior
Organize it!!! Classical Conditiong Operant Conditioning Name of Theory Theorist Description of the Theory/Definition Alternate Name for the Theory A trick for helping you remember this theory Classical Conditiong Operant Conditioning Cognitive Learning Social & Observational Learning
WTL Violence in the MEDIA??? Do you think that media violence should be eliminated? How do you think the Media influences our behaviors today 1 page due on Friday 8/26. MID TERM ENDS TOMORROW