Learning approach
Behaviourism Explains behaviour in terms of learning Psychology should study what is observable (ie behaviour)
Behaviourism Classical Conditioning – learning by association E.g. Dogs learn to associate bells with salivation (Pavlov)
Draw a poster for how another behaviour is learned
Behaviourism Operant Conditioning – learning of behaviour is shaped and maintained by consequences (rewards and punishments) Positive reinforcement: receiving a reward when a certain behaviour is performed e.g. Praise from teacher for answering questions What rewards have you been given to encourage a behaviour Punishment: an unpleasant consequence for a behaviour Can you think of any? Negative reinforcement: Avoidance of unpleasant consequence e.g. handing in an essay so as not to get told off What examples can you think of?
Behaviourism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_ctJqjlrHA#t=11 What type of reinforcement is occuring here?
Behaviourism Draw your own poster for a behaviour eg revising Include an example of: Positive reinforcement Punishment Negative Reinforcement
Behaviourism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy_mIEnnlF4 What type of operant conditioning is happening? Can you spot the error?
Evaluation of Learning Theory: Behaviourism It has scientific Credibility –focus on observable behaviour. Why might the introspectionist approach lack this? Real life Application - token economy, systematic desensitisation. Which type of learning is used in SD? Mechanistic View of Behaviour –All behaviour is learned responses to stimuli. Humans aren’t machines. What else may cause behaviour?
Social learning theory Learning via observation and imitation of others
Social Learning Theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHi2dxSf9hw What do you think social learning involves?
Social Learning theory states that behaviour is learned via observation and then imitation of role models (such as parents/peers/ celebrities)
According to Bandura’s theory of social learning there are 4 stages to learning: retention, motivation, reproduction, attention. Match them to the pictures 1. 2. 3. 4.
4 processes Attention Retention Reproduction Motivation
Vicarious reinforcement is the imitation of an observed behaviour when it is seen to be positively reinforced (rewarded) Jonny watches Henry in his nursery push another younger child aggressively and snatch a toy from them. The next day he does the same thing. How could you explain this?
Bobo doll experiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zerCK0lRjp8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr0OTCVtHbU
Now complete the A3 sheets