Annual General Meeting Club Football de CERN – Accelerating Football
Agenda Activities Review & Update Financial situation Committee election Other business Social part
Activity overview COFT Futsal Friday Football Sunday Football Vernier Friendlies CERN vs. Scots Atomiade Pitch maintenance Committee
Friday Football
Sunday football
Vernier Friendlies
CERN vs. the Scots a.k.a. "Climbing the mountain of glory”
Atomiade 2 day tournament Many international teams Organised: pitches, teams, games, referees, balls, lunch, transport, prizes Full success ! (maybe not ON the pitch)
Pitch Maintenance
Committee Activity Communication & Mediation internal Cern Clubs Committee (CCC) Rugby club Potential sponsors Peron / St. Genis / Meyrin Future: Membership fees Sponsorships Evaluate activities & funding Long term planning (e.g. Construction “Sous les vignes”)
Financial Report
Finances 2015 – summary
Finances 2016 – (so far…) Open invoice for Peron gym (expected ~2.5k CHF) Holding deposit for 16 futsal teams (> 1.7k CHF)
Finances 2016 – (so far…) Open invoice for Peron gym (expected ~2.5k CHF) Holding deposit for 16 futsal teams (> 1.7k CHF)
What changed? cut AGFC, only Atomiade (+ 500 CHF) COFT increased revenue (+ 500 CHF) Friday football participation (+ 300 CHF) increased CCC subsidy (+ 3000 CHF) comes with some additional effort
What to do with the money? Pitch maintenance (!!!) Re-activate CERN team (?!) Big COFT Party(?!) The committee takes proposals – Get in touch!!
Relief of Committee
Election of a new Committee This is the important part for the minutes (!!!)
Committee Election Secretary Treasurer President Candidate(s): Marcin Patecki Treasurer Candidate(s): Stefan Klikovits President Candidate(s): Alessandro Di Girolamo
Call for participation !!!
Other business - future planning What shall we do next year ? CERN Team ? Tournament(s)? Organise one-day tournament ?