Inside Blackboard 101 Parent Guide
How To Access Blackboard Learn Step One*: Go to Step Two*: Use your student’s credentials to gain access Login: first-initial.lastname Password: Student ID If you have login access issues, please email: *View on next slide
Important Links From The Home Screen Tools* (left panel): Announcements – Important announcements from teachers to students. Calendar - A monthly calendar for important deadlines from teachers that students can also utilize to manage their work. My Grades – Grades in all courses My Classes* (right panel) *View on next slide
Tools: Calendar
Tools: My Grades
Inside A Course…. A teacher’s course is personalized by the instructor to fit the needs of that specific course. However, all courses will have links to the following: Agendas Grades* Tools* *Tools can be used to access grades within a specific course if you do not see a link to grades in that teacher’s course. Tools
Inside A Course….
Tools Page Another way to access grades, announcements, and other tools within a course.
Black Board Help For Students/Parents For Help or Commonly Asked Questions, please visit: