ISA201 Version June 2017 Deployment Overview
Presentation Overview Updated Course Schedule Week 1 Changes Week 2 Changes Updated Schedule for instructor use Grading Overview Current Events Overview Blackboard Use Introduction Using Blackboard for: The Pre-Course Assignment Quizzes The Practicums The Discussion panels The Revised Practicum Approach Overview Summary/Conclusion Introduction
Course Schedule-ISA 201 Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Introduction Program Planning Quiz 1 Cybersecurity Quiz 2 JCIDS Lunch Systems Engineering Risk Management Measurement Architecture Cost Estimation Panel Preparation Practicum 1 Practicum 2 Homework Time Quiz Review Week 2 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 System Design Cloud Computing Quiz 3 Lifecycle Planning Quiz 4 IT Contracting Practicum 4 Software Development SW Quality Student Panels Graduation CPI & BPR SW T&E Practicum 4 Intro Practicum 3 Items in Red are graded Days start at 0800; Lunch will be 1 hour; Day ends at 1700 Current Events will be after Lunch on Days 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
Course Update Overview-ISA 201 Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Introduction Updated to address a variety of course changes Program Planning Updated Removed PPP Quiz 1 Using Blackboard Cybersecurity Added PPP and SW Assurance Quiz 2 JCIDS Removed DBS section Lunch Added Current Events just after lunch (10 min) Systems Engineering Risk Management Updated per new RIOM Measurement Architecture updated Cost Estimation Revised exercises Panel Preparation Practicum 1 Changed student and instructor templates Changed presentation and grading approach Updated rubric and moved grading to BB Practicum 2 Homework Time Quiz Review Lesson Updated Items in Red are graded Days start at 0800; Lunch will be 1 hour; Day ends at 1700 Current Events will be after Lunch on Days 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
Course Update Overview-ISA 201 Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 2 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 System Design Removed SwA Revised Exercise Revised MOSA Cloud Computing updated Quiz 3 Updated Using Blackboard Lifecycle Planning Added PS BCA Quiz 4 Lunch Added Current Events just after lunch (10 min) IT Contracting Practicum 4 Changed student and instructor templates Changed presentation and grading approach Updated rubric and moved grading to BB Software Development Revised exercises SW Quality Panel Preparation Student Panels Minor refinement Graduation CPI & BPR SW T&E Practicum 4 Intro Homework Time Quiz Review Practicum 3 Lesson Updated Items in Red are graded Days start at 0800; Lunch will be 1 hour; Day ends at 1700 Current Events will be after Lunch on Days 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
Course Schedule For Instructor Use Week 1 DAY Time Lesson Instructor Mon (L: 12-1) 8-10 1 - Introduction 10-12 2-JCIDS 12-1 Lunch 1-4:30 3 - Cost Estimating 4:30-5 Homework Time Tue (L: 11-12) (CE) 8-11 4- Program Planning 12-3:30 5- Measurement 3:30-4:30 Panel Planning Lsn Review/Homework Time Wed (Q: 8-8:30) (L: 12-1) (CE) 8:30-12 6 – Sys & SW Engineering 1:10-4:30 7 - Practicum 1 4:30 - 5 Thu (L: 12-1)(CE) 8-12 8 - Cybersecurity 9 - Architecture Fri (L: 11-12) 8:30-11 10 - Risk Management 11-12 11 - Practicum 2 Week 2 DAY Time Lesson Instructor Mon (L: 11:00 – 12:00) (CE) 8-11:00 12 – Design Considerations 12:10-3 13 SW Development 3-4:30 14 – CPI & BPR 4:30-5 Homework Time Tue (L: 11-12) (CE) 8-11 21 - Cloud Computing 15a - SW Quality 15b SW Test Lsn Review/Homework Time Wed (Q: 8-8:30) (L: 12-1) (CE) 8:30-11 16 - Contracting 11-12 Panel Planning 1:10-4:30 17 - Practicum 3 4:30 - 5 Thu (L: 11:30 – 12:30) 19 - Lifecycle planning 12:00-3:00 Discussion Panels 3:00-4:30 20-Practicum 4 Intro Quiz Review Fri (Q: 8-9) 9-11:30 20 - Practicum 4 1130 - 1200 Graduation SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Q=Quiz; L=Lunch CE=Current Events Introduction
Grading Day Activity Points Comments Pre-Course Submission of Pre-Course Work 10 See Grading Rubric in pre-course assignment Day 3, 5, 8 Quizzes 1 - 3 (Closed Book) 90 30 points per quiz (10 questions – 3 pts each) Day 9, Thu. Discussion Panel 40 Discussion Panel Team presentation Day 10, Fri. Quiz 4 (Comprehensive – Open Book) 50 20 Questions – 2.5 points each Practicum 4 Team Grade 30 Practicum 4 Team presentation Day 3,5,8 Practicums 1-3 Team Grade 60 20 points possible for each Practicum Practicum Briefing (1 Practicum) 20 Every Student must brief during a practicum Total Points 300 240 Points required to Graduate SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: Everyone must present one of the practicums. There are two opportunities per team to brief in each of the first three practicums so everyone can meeting this requirement by the end of the third practicum. If the entire team has presented then the fourth practicum can be present by whomever would like the “opportunity to excel” There are 4 quizzes (Wednesday and Friday of each week). The first three are NOT cumulative and will only cover topics from the previous days not covered on a preceding quiz. The 4th quiz covers the final lessons and then covers various topics presented throughout the course. I recommend giving them first thing in the morning so the students minds are not consumed with thinking about the quizzes during the other lessons. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: A student must achieve a final course grade of at least 80% to pass. (240 out of 300 total points) Quizzes will be executed on Blackboard – bring your CAC! Introduction
Current Events Overview After lunch on designated days, specified teams will lead a 10 minute discussion on Current Events in Acquisition. The intent is to identify and discuss recent developments in DoD programs, laws, policy, regulations, etc. relevant to Acquisition Professionals Instructors will lead the first Current Events presentation on Day 2. Week 1 Week 2 Monday: N/A Monday: Team 3 Tuesday: Instructors Tuesday: Team 4 Wednesday: Team 1 Wednesday: Team 5 Thursday: Team 2 Thursday: Make-up Friday: N/A SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Content (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: None at this time *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** The intent of this is to stimulate discussion on current events. Instructors may adjust the schedule as they see fit. LIMIT THE DISCUSSION TO 10 MINUTES OR LESS – WE ARE TAKING THIS TIME “OUT OF HIDE” SO BE CAREFUL NOT TO TAKE TOO MUCH TIME AWAY FROM THE SCHEDULED LESSON. Introduction
Blackboard Intro Overview: The intent is to use Blackboard to conduct the course. The students should be able to access Blackboard for all of their materials. Instructors are free to produce a student CD or post the materials on a local shared drive as well. Blackboard will be the authoritative location for all course material. Instructors are free to execute the course outside of Blackboard by printing the quizzes and by grading all quizzes and assignments manually. Grading: Course grading can be done on Blackboard. The specific instructions for executing quizzes and grading practicums and discussion panels are included on the following slides. Using Blackboard requires some set-up by the instructors prior to and during the course offering. However, once configured, Blackboard makes grading both quizzes and other assignments more efficient. It also allows the students to know where they stand at all times. Introduction
Pre-Course Assignment Overview: The pre-course assignment is designed to provide some background information regarding the students, to identify the challenges they face in the workplace, and to familiarize them with using Blackboard. Grading: Grading the Pre-Course assignment is designed to be done in Blackboard. There is a rubric for instructor use. To grade the pre-course assignment execute the following steps: Go to Blackboard – click on Grade Center – click on Needs Grading – click on a Student Name – click on the Grading Rubric If you have to grade the assignment manually, go to Full Grade Center – find the assignment that needs to be graded - enter the grade manually Introduction
Quiz Execution and Grading Overview: The quizzes are designed to be implemented and graded on Blackboard. Initially, the students cannot see the quizzes and will only be able to see them when the instructor makes them available. The quizzes will automatically “shut-off” when the time has expired. The quizzes will automatically grade once the student submits the quiz and all of the correct and incorrect answers will be visible to the students. Execution: The students and the instructors need to access blackboard prior to the start of the quiz. At the designated time, the instructor will make the quiz available to the students. Go to Blackboard – click on Quizzes – click on the chevron for the appropriate quiz – click on edit the test options – click the Yes button for Make the Link Available – click Submit – after the quiz, make the quiz unavailable again If you have to grade a quiz manually – go to Full Grade Center – find the student’s name and enter the grade manually Introduction
Practicum Grading Overview: The practicums are designed to be graded on Blackboard but presented from the shared drive. The Practicums include an individual grade (the PM Grade) and a Team Grade. There are rubrics for both included on Blackboard. Assigning the Teams (Team Grade): The first step is to assign the teams on Blackboard. This should be done prior to the start of class. Once you assign the teams (as they are seated in the classroom), the grade center column (and student row) for each practicum will go from being shaded to clear. Go to Users and Groups – Click on Groups - Click on the Chevron for a team – click on Edit scroll down to Membership click on a student name and then click on the right arrow - when all of the team is in the Selected Items Column, click Submit – if you go back to the Full Grade Center, you will see that the Practicum columns for the students you put on a team are no longer shaded. To grade the team (note: one student from the team must submit their practicum slides before the practicum can be graded), go to the Grade Center, Needs Grading area (just as you did with the pre-course work), and use the rubric to grade the team. Again, if you have to do it manually, go to the appropriate student row and practicum column and input the grade manually. Introduction
Discussion Panel Grading Overview: The Discussion Panels are designed to be graded on Blackboard but presented from the shared drive. There is a rubric for grading on Blackboard. Assigning the Teams: The first step is to assign the teams on Blackboard. Once you assign the teams, the grade center column (and student row) for the Discussion Panels will go from being shaded to clear. Go to Users and Groups – Click on Groups - Click on the Chevron for a Discussion Panel topic – click on Edit scroll down to Membership click on a student name and then click on the right arrow - when all of the team is in the Selected Items Column, click Submit – if you go back to the Full Grade Center, you will see that the Discussion Panel column for the students you put on a team is no longer shaded. To grade the team: NOTE: one student from the team must submit something on Blackboard before the Discussion Panel can be graded – can be slides, a script, game rules, etc. To grade, go to the Grade Center, Needs Grading area (just as you did with the pre-course work), and use the rubric to grade the team. Again, if you have to do it manually, go to the appropriate student row and Discussion Panel column and input the grade manually. Introduction
Overall Practicum Overview The First Three (3) Practicums require the team as a whole to prepare a set of templated slides for presentation and submission to the instructors for a team grade. Briefers earn up to 20 points for their presentation. Teams earn up to 20 points for the team submission Practicum #4 will be a team project where any number can brief. Up to 30 points will be awarded based on your team work. For each Practicum, there will be a file (such as “Practicum 1 Situation and applicable artifacts”) and a Job Aids folder. Most of the information required to address the requirements will be in the file – additional information and any tools required (i.e. the cost estimator) will be in the Job Aids. The 5 teams will be divided up so that both instructors will take briefings – since there are 5 teams and normally 2 instructors, one instructor will take 3 teams (6 briefers) and the other instructor will take 2 teams (4 briefers). SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: The overall intent of the 4 Practicums is to reinforce the Major Takeaways of each lesson in keeping with the ELO’s and to assess the level of knowledge of the students. The Practicums are a threaded exercise that track the progress of a notional program throughout the lifecycle. Each Practicum includes an update to the scenario surrounding the notional program that forces the students to reassess the status of the program in keeping with certain acquisition milestones. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 1 March 2014 14
Overall Practicum Overview The 5 teams will each brief the selected slides and the instructor will grade the individual briefers for an individual “PM” grade according to the rubric. Each team will have 2 briefers per practicum. Instructors will also grade the entire package for the team grade according to the rubric – this will be done after the presentation time. All practicums are followed by in-class homework time for the students so the instructors can take that 30 minutes to execute the team and individual grading. There is no penalty IAW the rubric for students exceeding the 5 minutes per brief – however, it is important for the instructors to enforce this time limit especially if you do not have a separate team room and/or a 2d instructor. There is sufficient time in the schedule to conduct all briefings in one classroom. Additionally, there is the option of not having some students brief – if you elect this option, you can designate the students that did not brief P1-P3 to brief during P4 or grade the student during the Discussion Panel brief (the DP option should be the option of last resort) SLIDE INFORMATION*************************************************************************************************************************** *Slide Type: Exercise (Content or Exercise) *Supporting ELOs ID: N/A *Policy / Directive / Standard / DTM ID: N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Key Points: The overall intent of the 4 Practicums is to reinforce the Major Takeaways of each lesson in keeping with the ELO’s and to assess the level of knowledge of the students. The Practicums are a threaded exercise that track the progress of a notional program throughout the lifecycle. Each Practicum includes an update to the scenario surrounding the notional program that forces the students to reassess the status of the program in keeping with certain acquisition milestones. Key Questions to Ask and Anticipated Answers: Terms \ Definitions \ Acronyms: Practicum 1 March 2014 15
Summary/Conclusion The June version of ISA201 will include an update to a variety of lessons – in come cases the lesson exercises have also been refined All grading is now available on Blackboard – instructors who need to grade/execute quizzes, etc outside of Blackboard retain that option. The Practicums have been updated and revised so that all teams have the same requirement in the first 3 Practicums. This will require a separate briefing/team room. All materials will be updated on Blackboard by 30 June. Practicum 1