Speech Science I Perry C. Hanavan
Speech Sound Signal Speech Analysis Tutorial Physics in Speech
Hartmut Traunmüller Phonetic quality Affective quality Personal quality Transmittal quality
Information in Speech Signal Type of Quality Information Conveyed Phenomena Involved Linguistic phonetic quality Social, conventional The message; speaker’s dialect, sociolect, speech style, accent, etc. Different words, speech sounds, prosodic patterns, etc. Expressive quality Psychological, within speaker variation Speaker’s emotions, attitudes; adoption to environmental, etc. Type of phonation, vocal effort, speech rate, liveliness, etc. Organic quality Physiological, anatomical, between speaker variation Speaker’s age, sex, pathology, etc. Size of the larynx, length of the supraglottal vocal tract, etc. Perspectival quality Physical, spatial Where the speaker is in relation to the listener (and how he is oriented). Illumination, projection angles, acoustic signal attenuation, etc.
Speech Samples Sample One Sample Two Sample Three