Dr. John Oakes Pedro Figueroa Spring, 2017 Philippians and Colossians
Philippians and Colossians In common: Prison letters yet… Paul is greatly rejoicing and his hopefulness is not at all forced. Why? Because Christ is in him, and he is in Christ. In Christ, In Him, In the Lord 164 times in Paul alone.
What do we have in Christ? Coll 1:14, Eph 1:7 Redemption Coll 2:11-12 Put off the flesh Colossians 2:10 fullness Philippians 4:19 all your needs met Ephesians 1:3 every spiritual blessing Phil 4:7 peace of God Philippians 1:1 Saints in Christ Jesus Philippians 3:1 Called of God in Christ Jesus Philippians2:1 Encouragement in Christ.
We Have Everything in Christ! Ephesians 1:4, 11 chosen 1 Corinthians 15:22 we will be made alive/resurrected 2 Corinthians 5:21 we become the righteousness of God Romans 6:23 have eternal life Romans 8:38-39 secure love of God 2 Timothy 1:9 grace 2 Corinthians 5:17 a new creation 2 Corinthians 1:20 all God’s promises fulfilled
Philippians: To Live is Christ Theme: Life in Christ Theme verse: Phil 1:21 For me, to live is Chist and to die is gain.
Outline of Philippians Phil 1:1-30 To Live is Christ Phil 2:1-18 Living Like Christ Phil 3:1-21 Put Your Confidence in Christ Phil 4:1-23 Practical Living in Christ
Background: Acts 6-16 Paul Hemmed in by the Holy Spirit
Paul’s First Mission in Europe A Roman colony No synagogue A completely new ministry for Paul
Fond Memories…. Lydia Partnership with Silas Philippian Jailer Q: What do you do in your darkest moments? Q: Would you be willing to be publicly flogged and thrown into the darkest prison to help others to be saved?
Points of Emphasis in Philippians Life in Christ Unity Philippians 1:27, 2:2, 4:2 The immanence of the return of Christ Philippians 1:6, 10, 2:16, 3:20-21, 4:5
I. Philippians 1 To Live is Christ Phil 1:1 To all the saints in Christ Jesus Saints haggios called-out, separate, different, a holy person. Saints are like God Isaiah 6:3 Throughout the book, Paul describes us as we are in Christ. Who are we? We are Holy in Christ Jesus
Philippian 1:2 Grace and Peace. All who are in Christ receive grace and peace. Peace (according to H. A. Kent): “the inner assurance and tranquility that God ministers to the hearts of believers and that keeps them spiritually confident and content even in the midst of turmoil.”
Philippians 1:3-8 Assurance in Christ Q: How does Paul feel about the Philippians? 1:6 God began a good work in us. 1:5 …from the first day until now. He is still working in us… 1:6 God will carry his work in us on to completion. 1:6 God sees in us that which will be fully realized in heaven. In Christ the outcome is guaranteed.
Paul and the Philippians 1. Phil 1:5 Partners in the gospel. 2. Phil 1:7 I have you on my heart. 3. Phil 1:8 I yearn for you. Epipotheo deep longing, homesickness
Q: What is Paul’s deep desire for the Philippians? Phil 1:9-11 Paul’s Prayer Q: What is Paul’s deep desire for the Philippians?
Phil 1:9-11 Paul’s prayer: Knowledge and Discernment Knowledge of what is right. Discernment about how to best carry it out. Discernment: The ability which makes us able to make a wise, moral decision. To decide between good, better and best.
Phil 4:9-11 Q: Do you settle for what is good or even better, or do you earnestly seek what is best? Don’t forget, however, that with knowledge and discernment comes the need to do those things you discern need to be done.
Result: Pure and Blameless v. 10 pure = sincere = without wax—a reference to delicate porcelain which often had small cracks repaired by filling them with wax. v. 10 “blameless” refers to our motivation, not our actions. 1. love for God the seed 2. knowledge and discernment the plant 3. pure and blameless the flower 4. fruit from God the fruit The result: We give glory to God.
Philippians 1:12-20 Q: What is on Paul’s heart (despite the fact that he is in chains for Christ)?
Paul’s Testimony: Proclaiming the Gospel v. 12-13 What has happened has served to advance the gospel. v. 14-18 What is happening now is serving to spread the gospel. v. 19-26 What will happen in the future will also help to spread the gospel. Paul believes Philippians 1:6 applies to him.
Phil 1:12-13 1:12 What has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. Phil 4:22 Many in Caesar’s household had come to believe in Christ
Philippians 1:14-18 The current situation is also helping to advance the gospel. v. 14 What will people be encouraged to do “Because of your chains”? Fruitful suffering. v. 15-18 Paul refuses to let people with insincere motives rob his joy at the advancement of the gospel. v. 18 “What does it matter?” Could you say this if people were undermining you and your ministry?
Philippians 1:19-26 Paul is confident that the future situation will work to advance the gospel as well. Note: Paul is certain of the outcome, but uncertain about the path by which he will reach that outcome. That is faith! Faith is belief in things we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1)
Phil 1:19-20 Paul’s Confidence v. 19 Paul: I KNOW Through your prayers and through the encouragement of the Holy Spirit… that I will be delivered/saved. I EXPECT I will have sufficient courage. God will be exalted…. Whether by my life or by my death. (uncertain about the path) Q: What is your attitude about your life? What is your attitude about your death?
Philippians 1:21 Theme verse of Philippians For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. Q: Is this how you feel about your life? For me to live is ______________________
Phil 1:22-23 v. 22 For Paul, staying and continuing in fruitful labor is sweet. v. 23 But departing is even sweeter. Depart: Pull up tent stakes. Figuratively, Paul has been living in a tent. If he departs, he goes home. Q: Do you think of dying as going home? v. 23 Paul’s description of heaven: being with Christ.
Philippians 1:24-26 Paul: I am pretty sure I am staying…. Why? v. 22 fruitful labor. v. 24 for your sake…. v. 25 for your progress… Again, Paul is not sure about the path v. 25 convinced that I will be delivered and remain. v. 27 but whatever happens…. But he is sure of the ultimate result. The gospel will be preached, God will be glorified, and Paul will make it home.
Phil 1:27-30 Paul’s Vision for the Church Q: How would you describe Paul’s vision for the church?
Phil 1:27-30 Paul’s Vision 1. Us living a life worthy of the gospel. 2. Us contending as one person for the gospel. Worthy of the gospel: 1. By our defense of the gospel (v. 7) 2. By our proclamation of the gospel (v. 13-18) 3. By our living worthily (v. 27) Worthy: Living a life that would make our Father proud.
Paul’s Vision for Unity 1. In one spirit. Fellowship in the Holy Spirit. 2. With one mind (NIV contending as one man). Psyche connotes one heart and mind. Q: Are you humble enough to submit your heart and mind to the group? 3. Working side by side. Unity of action. Each disciple is in the battle. Q: Are you fully engaged in the battle?
Philippians 2 Living Like Christ Philippians 2:1-4 Living worthily The worthy life is lived in unity with one another. Unity is a hallmark of true Christianity Jn 17:23
What could we do that would complete Paul’s joy? Phil 2:2 Be like-minded. Lit. Think the same thing. Q: What does this mean to you?
Like-minded Q: How can we be like-minded? 1. Phil 2:By considering others’ needs above your own—to abandon selfishness. 2. Phil 2:5 By having the mind of Christ! (as described in Phil 1:6-8)
Phil 2:6-8 The Cross From Jesus’ Perspective He did not cling on to his place with the Father and his God-nature. harpagmos Grasped. To hold onto tenaciously. He emptied himself. He came in human form He made himself a slave. He humbled himself.
The Mind of Christ Q: In what ways will you empty yourself? What is the mindset of Christ? It is to take what is best about and most desirable to ourselves and to abandon it for the sake of the salvation of others.
The Mind of Christ Gave up his place with God. Took on human form Became a slave But there is more…. He gave up his immortality He was counted a sinner Isaiah 53:12 He submitted to the most humiliating form of death—death on a cross. Deut 21:23
The Mind of Christ v. 8 He humbled himself. It was his choice. Isaiah 53:7 A willing sacrifice (unlike sheep and bulls and goats)
Phil 2:9-11 Therefore…. The Father exalted him (both in his ascension and in his place with the Father). This progression exaltation to slavery to exaltation was foreshadowed in Joseph and in Moses. All will confess Jesus is Lord. If we have the mind of Christ, God will exalt us as well.
Phil 2:12-18 Christ in Us Phil 2:12 Therefore… This is OUR therefore Work out your salvation. Not work for your salvation We are saved already. We are being saved. (Phil 2:12 is this one) We will be saved.
Work Out Your Salvation Let your salvation work itself out in your life. How? 1. By having the mind of Christ. 2. v. 13 By letting God work in your life. Energeo work effectively. He will change your will and your action. Because he chose us Deut 7:7. 3. By obeying Phil 2:14-15 and 17.
Work Out Your Salvation The Christian life is a combination of resting in God and striving for God. Do not forget Phil 1:5-7. “Work out your own salvation.” Means take personal responsibility for your own growth. But also watching God work. …with fear and trembling…
Phil 2:14-15 No Complaining or Arguing! Remember the theme of unity—having the same mind. If we have the mind of Christ: 1. We will not grumble or question. 2. We will be blameless and pure. James 3:2 Children of God without fault… Wow! You want to be blameless and pure? Do not grumble or argue. Be willing to have the same mind.
Becoming like Christ…. Phil 2:17-18 Make yourself a drink offering. Luke 22:20 Jesus made himself a drink offering. 2 Tim 4:6-8 Paul made himself a dring offering. The drink offering (nesek): Exodus 29:41, Leviticus 23:13 and Numbers 28:31 Pouring out our lives for God. Q: What does pouring out your life mean to you?
The Drink Offering (nesek) Q: What are you holding back in the cup? What are you saving up for? Phil 2:16 What did Paul run and labor for?
Phil 2:19-30 Timothy and Epaphroditus Paul is using Timothy and Epaphroditus (and, less directly, his own life) as practical examples of people who have the mind of Christ. Phil 2:19-24 Timothy. v. 20 Genuine concern. v. 22 He worked as a fellow-slave with Paul.
Phil 2:25-30 Epaphroditus They already knew Epaphroditus (4:18) A co-worker and fellow soldier. He longs for the Philippians.
Phil 3 Put Your Confidence in Christ Phil 1:1-30 To Live is Christ Phil 2:1-18 Living Like Christ Phil 3:1-21 Put Your Confidence in Christ Phil 4:1-23 Practical Living in Christ
Phil 3:1 Rejoice in the Lord …as opposed to rejoicing in the things of the flesh. This verse is a bridge to the next section. What will steal our joy? Relying on the things of this world.
Phil 3:2 Watch out! “mutilators of the flesh” = those who are demanding men be circumcised to be Christians. These are Judaizers—legalists. Dogs! Paul is angry. Gal 1:8-9. 5:12. Whew! Q: What got Jesus angry? Q: What got Paul angry? Q: What gets you (righteously) angry?
Phil 3:3 We are the Circumcision. Coll 2:11-12 Romans 2:28-29 Genesis 17:11-12, 19 Galatians 4:21-31 (esp. v. 28) Phil 3:3b. We put no confidence in the flesh. We are the opposite of those dogs! Q: Can you say that about yourself?
Phil 3:4-6 Paul’s Resume Like Solomon, Paul had great reason to put confidence in the flesh. Hebrew of Hebrews A student of Gamaliel As to law, faultless
Garbage!!!! Phil 3:7-8 All the things of the flesh is loss compared to knowing Christ. Which is of more value, the flesh or being in Christ? No comparison! By comparison, the things of the flesh/of the world are garbage. Q: Do you feel this way about the things of the world?