Welcome to the Work Experience Information Evening 27th April 2017 Aim of the evening is to launch the work experience programme and ensure you leave with an understanding of why WE is so important and also the process the students will need to work through and the support you as parents can provide
Introductions…. Mrs Mayles – AP (Post 16 and Pathways) Miss Cooke- Work Experience Administrator Mr Whitbread – Progress Leader (Year 9) Also.. Form Tutor Develop Those involved in the process- myself and Mrs Cooke will lead the organisation of the process but Whitbread will also support the students, as well as the Form tutor. Develop are the company who create the data base both of our students and employers and create the platform for the process to run through.
Monday 16th – Friday 20th October 2017 Most important are the dates- this is the week prior to half term
Work Experience is Optional The Reasons to go on work experience…… To gain relevant work experience for your chosen career path If you have not yet decided on your career path If at post 16 you have decided you would like to go into some form of work based learning If you do not go on work experience you will remain in the academy during that week. Many careers/universities will look alongside the academic outcomes, what makes you stand out over the other applicants, if you have a passion for a particular area- what have you taken on as an additional extra to show this passion. Securing places at university and in jobs is competitive- work experience can be the starting place
2 options 1. Own Placement 2. Through ‘Develop’ and Learn About Work Database Sorting your own placement through the system
Own Placement Secured earlier Targeted, relevant experience Often a higher quality experience Advantages: -Can start arranging a private placement earlier (from 29th April) whereas Develop database will not open until 6th June at 4pm. -relevant type of experience secured for your own child. Very competitive for places with Develop and limited availability – only one place at a dentist for eg. -Personal links with a company often lead to a particularly high quality of experience for the student. Taylor make it for you 50% of students last year completed own placements, student feedback showed those who did enjoyed it and got more out of the placement
Own Placement Process Pink OP form to complete MUST BE returned by 22nd May 2017 Develop then carry out necessary checks -Pink form, in pack but copy for reference -Student’s details -Employer – H&S, details of the work, hours, signature etc. -Develop then visit company if appropriate and carry out H&S and indemnity insurance checks
Develop & ‘Learn About Work’ Searchable database Opens 5th June at 4pm Wide choice of jobs Forms returned by 19th June 2017 Confirmed in October 2017 -Students given pin on 5th June during tutor time -Over 700 jobs listed by employment sector -Very competitive, many students going for same job. Develop use best fit -Have to wait until October to get their choice confirmed
Learn About Work - website http://develop.learnaboutwork.net/index.asp -Log on to website with student details -Look at user guide -Look at log book -Carry out search -Select choices -Show process Will pick two placements, if not successful in either, then your tutor will be informed and you will be able to go back on and pick another Have to print out and return to tutor
Bedfordshire and Luton EBP
Cancellation of placement will result in a charge of £48.00 Check you can travel to the placements you are choosing Make sure that your parents agree with your choices Read through the job description to make sure this is what you want to do
Preparing for Work Experience Produce a CV and covering letter Work place skills and attitudes Mock interviews Log book -All completed in tutor time or at assemblies -Log book you will be given just before you go on work experience -
Following up your Work Experience Thank you letter to employer Completion of log book Award of placement certificate Progression to Post 16 interview -Work experience immediately before half term, so after half term, letters, reflections -Interview – Post 16 options, independent advice
Thank you for attending