Back to School Parent Night 2016-2017
Mrs. Berwick Raymond, MT Carroll College Syracuse, NY Dodson, MT Culbertson, MT
Absences Expected absence: Please send a note to school prior to your child’s absence and I will get their homework ready.
Absences Unexpected absence: If you’d like a sibling to take your child’s work home, please call the school before 2:00. Your child will have 2 days for each day absent to make up their missed work.
HERO Binder Have Everything Ready and Organized Students will bring this home every night and are expected to bring it back to school everyday. In the binder: pencil pouch homework sheet homework spelling list-please keep in binder any important papers
Homework Students can expect to have math homework every day. They are given time during class to work on it, however they may not finish all of it. There will be no Reading Log this year. I do strongly encourage students to read every night though. Please make sure that your child is reading at home.
Homework Spelling: Students will bring home word sorts every Monday. Please use them to practice in the following ways:
Homework Each afternoon students will write down their homework on their homework sheets in their HERO Binders. Once they’ve completed their homework at home, please sign their sheet.
Notebooks We will be using notebooks for Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies. In these, we keep notes on what we’re learning. They are a great tool and should be utilized at home for homework and studying for tests.
30 Book Challenge In fourth grade I want one of our focuses to be reading for pleasure in the hopes it will foster a love of reading. Therefore, I am challenging each student to read 30 books this year. We will discuss the different genres and I will require them to read a certain number of each. I am putting aside 15 minutes Monday-Thursday for students to read. Between those minutes and time reading at home, I am confident that the challenge will be met! By giving children time to read both at school and at home, we can work together to provide a literature-rich environment and life-long love of reading.
Parent Communication Please call, email, or text whenever you have a question or concern. School phone: 787-6241 email: text @ga69ef to number 81010 I will be using to text parents reminders of tests, upcoming assignments, and other class happenings.
Thank you for coming tonight! I look forward to a wonderful year teaching and getting to know your child!