WELCOME Ms. Priest’s Fourth Grade Class 2017-2018
Agenda Schedule Curriculum Report Cards and Grading Testing Homework Behavior and PBIS Important School Information
Schedule 7:15-8:00 Breakfast/Morning Work/Announcements 8:00-8:10 Morning Meeting/ PBIS Lesson 8:10-9:00 Reading 9:00-9:45 Specials 9:50-11:00 ELA 11:00-11:30 Recess 11:30-12:04 Math 12:04-12:34 Lunch 12:34-1:30 Math 1:30-2:10 Science/Social Studies 2:10 Dismissal
Curriculum Reading: Informational, Nonfiction, Foundational Skills Writing: Informative/Explanatory, Opinion, Narrative Math: Numbers in Base 10, Whole Number Operations & Algebraic Thinking, Multiplication & Division, Fractions, Multistep Problem Solving, Geometry and Angles, Measurement Science: Water, Weather, Force & Motion, Light, Sound, Stars, Earth, Moon, Solar System, Adaptations & Ecosystems Social Studies: Maps & Globes, Native Cultures, Early Explorer & Colonization, American Revolution, New Nation, Westward Expansion, Abolition & Suffragist Movement, Civil War, Reconstruction http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/academics/fourthgrade.aspx
Online Parent Resources
Online Parent Resources
Report Cards and Grading This school year students will receive numerical grades averaged at the end of each quarter. Progress reports are issued every 4.5 weeks. Monitor progress using an on line grading system called Synergy. Check your student’s progress frequently. Graded work will also come home in Thursday Folders. No score given will be below a 60. Grading System: A= 100-90 B= 89-80 C= 79-74 D= 73-70 F= 69 and below
Conference Week Conference week for the 2017-2018 school year is scheduled for October 16-20. These conferences are mandated by Cobb County and it is very important that you attend. Students will have Early Release all week and be dismissed at 12:20 Please remember to let me know if transportation will change for your child on these days.
Testing 4th grade curriculum can be accessed via Cobb County Website Standardized Testing will take place in the Spring (Georgia Milestones) DRAs and SRIs are used for Reading Level SMIs are used for Math
Homework Please read and sign the agenda nightly! Your child should be reading 30 minutes each NIGHT! Spelling and Math are nightly homework assignments. Reading Logs are due each Friday morning. Projects or late assignments may be required over the weekend. Students are responsible for writing down their homework each day and returning completed homework the next day.
PBIS PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions & Strategies. It is a positive, proactive approach to dealing with behavior. Students are given a clear set of expectations based upon chosen behavioral goals. How does it work? Students are taught desired behaviors through modeling and acknowledging the expected behavior when and where it happens using positive reinforcement. Students will be acknowledged with PBIS cards which can later be redeemed for monthly prizes purchased at the PBIS store, class coupons from teachers, or can be saved for larger prizes. Students can earn a certain amount of tickets each month to participate in a grade level celebration of positive behaviors. Any staff member can acknowledge any student for being a respectful, responsible, role- model.
B3 Be A Better Brave Students learn appropriate behavior of a respectful, responsible, role-model through instruction, practice, feedback, and positive reinforcement.
Classroom Conduct Our class follows protocol that matches PBIS. We are encouraging students to be respectful, responsible, role models. Students have created classroom rules, and these rules are posted in the classroom. To reinforce those rules we will be acknowledging students by giving them Class Dojo points that they may exchange for class rewards. Students will be given 2 warnings and then retaught the expectation at recess. A note will be sent home explaining this. The second time will be a direct email or phone call home to parents. Students who are off task during individual work time can miss a few minutes of recess to complete work (no more than 15 minutes). Parents will be notified of student misbehavior when necessary. We may notify parents through the agenda, email, or phone calls. Student reflections may also come home in the student agendas.
Behavior Expectations Students should follow directions the first time given. Transitions should be efficient (quick and quiet), not only in the current classroom, but between classes as well. Every teacher should be treated with the same respect as the homeroom teacher.
Important School Information Transportation Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time and they know how they are going home. All transportation changes must be made in writing to the front office. Please do not email your child’s teacher. Check-Out Per office guidelines we ask that you do not check your child out after 1:45 unless there is an emergency.
Important School Information Lunch Parents are allowed to eat lunch with their student in the cafeteria. There will be tables set up on the stage of the cafeteria that the student and the parent may sit at. Cell Phone Policy It is Cobb County Schools Policy that cell phones must remain off and in their backpacks during the school day. School staff members cannot be responsible for student’s cell phones.
Important School Information Absences and Tardies Please send a note the day following an absence stating the reason for the absence. You may also send a note for a tardy. InTouch automated system will be calling when students have 5, 10, or 15 unexcused absences. It will also call when students have 7 tardies. Students may enter the building at 7:15. No supervision will be provided before this time. Staff is not required to arrive prior to 7:15. The school day begins at 7:50. If you arrive after this time please sign your child in to the front office. Our school day ends at 2:10.
What Can You Do To Help? View and Sign agenda daily Discuss your child’s day Review homework Review Assignments that are in the Thursday Folder Check Synergy for Grades Contact teacher for Questions & Concerns Encourage Reading and talk about books
Gifted Eligibility Meeting - Friday, August 11 at 9AM in the Learning Commons. Purpose: to share with the public the eligibility process in Cobb County. All are welcome to attend.
Reminders: Solar Eclipse: School Day Extended August 21st by 45 minutes www.cobbk12.org/eclipse Parent Letters due August 25th Back the Jack Campaign begins- August 28th Early Release Day- August 30th No School- September 4th
Important Folder Information: Milestone Scores PG Movie Form Class Dojo Login
Forms on my Table 4th Grade Brochure Recess Opportunity Online Resources Questions for Reading bookmark Homework Tips for Parents B3 Information
Thank You! Thank you in advance for helping to make this a successful school year. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Email: Abigail.priest@cobbk12.org Twitter: @MsPriest4th Blog: http://www.cobblearning.net/priest/