By: Brendan, Liam, and Alexis Christopher Columbus By: Brendan, Liam, and Alexis
→ Date of Birth and Death He was born in 1451, in Genoa on the coast of Italy. He died May 20th, 1506 at the age of 54. →
Inspiration Christopher Columbus was inspired by Marco Polo. As a kid he read books about his explorations. He wanted to see those faraway lands too.
Meeting the Queen Christopher Columbus needed Queen Isabella’s help for an exploration. He needed ships and men for his exploration. The Queen have him three ships and money. All the contracts between the queen and her husband were signed. She and her husband wanted him to claim more land for Spain also.
Family Christopher had a mom named Susanna, dad named Domenico, and two brothers named Bartholomew and Diego. He had two sons named Diego and Fernando also.
Christopher’s Ships • Niña- smallest ship 65 feet long •Pinta- medium ship 66 feet long •Santa María- biggest ship over 80 feet long Santa María Pinta Niña
Exploration He started his exploration in April of 1492. Every day someone on a ship would say “Land” and a ship would fire a cannon but there was never land. On October 12th 1492, the Pinta fired cannon and someone said “Land Ho” and this time there was land. The journey was over.
Voyages Christopher Columbus had four voyages. All of them went from Spain to Central America. The first voyage which was from 1492-1493. The second voyage went from 1493-1496. The third voyage went from 1498-1500. The final voyage went from 1502-1504. The first voyage he found San Salvador. He claimed it for Spain. The second voyage he found the Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola. Christopher left Hispaniola and left his brother, Bartholomew, in charge. Isabella and Ferdinand sent an independent governor to take over because of the conditions of the colony. On the fourth voyage he was trying to get his reputation back but he got stranded on Jamaica. He got rescued and was returned to Spain.