The Age of Exploration World History
Reasons for European Exploration Europeans had enjoyed goods imported from China and India since the Crusades Europe was cut off from trade by the fall of Constantinople to the Turks Europeans decided to find a way to get to India and China directly
Reasons for European Exploration Technology: Compass from China Triangular sales from the Arabs Reasons for European Exploration
Reasons for European Exploration Human Nature – The desire for: Gold – get rich God – spread Christianity Glory – get famous Reasons for European Exploration
Portugal The first country to pay for exploration Prince Henry built a school for explorers Vasco De Gama found a route around Africa to India
Spain Ferdinand and Isabella pay for Columbus’s voyage Columbus sails west attempting to reach India Columbus finds the “New World” instead Spain
Columbian Exchange After Columbus’s voyage an important trading of ideas and goods between the New and Old Worlds began
Other Explorers Magellan (Portugal) – 1st to circumnavigate Northwest Passage – tried to sail north of America to get to India Cabot (Englad) – North American east coast Cartier, Chaplain, and de la Salle (France) – Canada, Great Lakes, and the Mississippi Hudson (Dutch) – Hudson bay